Marketplace for Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Mar 19, 2013

Marketplace for Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Keeping a close eye on the latest developments in Cyprus, where residents are revolting against a planned savings account tax. Plus, we look at why more homeowners are going from underwater to above water on their mortgages and what it means for the economy. That, and all the numbers from Wall Street and beyond.

Segments From this episode

U.K. flies more than a million dollars cash to Cyprus

Mar 19, 2013
A British air force plane was loaded up with cold hard cash and flown to Cyprus for the British military there.

ABC's newest ratings pitch: Celebrities on a high dive!

Mar 19, 2013
"Dancing with the Stars" meets the diving board. The new reality show "Splash" tries to grab viewers with a lineup of C-list celebrities. We look at the show, but also at the reality TV equation: There’s not a whole lot to lose on these shows. They’re cheap to produce and if they hit, they can be worth a fortune.

Does Cyprus' tax vote mean an exit from euro?

Mar 19, 2013
A vote in Cyprus could determine the fate of the country's proposed savings account tax, and Cyprus' future in the eurozone. But as much as Cypriots care, so do Russians and Germans.

Surprise! Your home may no longer be underwater

Mar 19, 2013
More homeowners are going from underwater to above water on their mortgages, and that could mean some really good news for the economy.

How to retire on just $25,000 in the bank

Mar 19, 2013
In a recent survey, more than half of U.S. workers saving for retirement have less than $25,000 in the bank for the golden years. That's not a lot of money -- how do retirees survive on that?

Skid Row was L.A.'s solution for homelessness. Now that's changing

Mar 19, 2013
Los Angeles has long steered its homeless population to a border area of downtown rarely seen except by those who work there and the homeless. Now redevelopment is pressing against Skid Row, and advocates are taking steps to secure homes for the homeless.

Looking back to the future on Shanghai's Street of Eternal Happiness

Mar 19, 2013
Disoriented by the rapid pace of change in China, more young urban professionals are grounding themselves by turning to ancient Chinese traditions, including teachings from the time of Confucius.

Mississippi barges post-drought: Rollin' on the river

Mar 19, 2013
After months of drought, barge line operators on the Mississippi River celebrate the rain.

Keeping a close eye on the latest developments in Cyprus, where residents are revolting against a planned savings account tax. Plus, we look at why more homeowners are going from underwater to above water on their mortgages and what it means for the economy. That, and all the numbers from Wall Street and beyond.

Music from the episode

Hot Damn Sonicbloom
The Rifle's Spiral The Shins