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FedEx gets help from the top

Marketplace Staff Dec 18, 2006

FedEx gets help from the top

Marketplace Staff Dec 18, 2006


SCOTT JAGOW: Today’s expected to be Fed Ex’s busiest day ever. Tanya Ott tells us how the heck they’re gonna do it all.

TANYA OTT: It’s Monday morning and you’ve got a crazy-long “To Do” list today.

Well that’s nothing, says Matt Ceniceros. He’s a spokesman for FedEx, which expects to process 9.8 million packages today. That’ll be a record and they’re calling in the big guns.

MATT CENICEROS:“A little bit over 700 corporate employees — lawyers, marketers, financers — we’ll all go down to the hub and volunteer to help with the job to meet demand. Organized chaos is how we like to describe it.

Ceniceros says the numbers are fueled in part by strong online sales.

Internet research company comScore Networks says online retail sales for 2006 are slated to top $100 billion for the first time ever.

I’m Tanya Ott for Marketplace.

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