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AT&T to rebrand as lifestyle company

Daryl Paranada Apr 8, 2010

Anyone catch that new Tiger Woods Nike commercial? Where his deceased father speaks while the golf icon just stands there? It’s just the first of what’s sure to be several more efforts at rebranding himself. And he’s not the only one trying to shake off a battered reputation.

After losing its exclusivity as the only carrier of the iPhone (Verizon is expected to launch its own version in the fall) and weathering strong criticism for its “slow phone movement” due to dropped calls from network stress, telecommunications giant AT&T is also planning to undergo a rebranding effort to position itself as a lifestyle company.

Under the theme “Rethink Possible,” AT&T will change its logo and launch an integrated marketing campaign that it hopes will change the company’s perception in the eyes of consumers. It hopes to be seen as more of an innovative company rather than a telecom firm. The campaign will be introduced during the Masters golf tournament.

From the New York Times:

The elements of the cheerful campaign — which include television commercials, print and online ads, social media like Facebook, signs in stores and messages aimed at employees — build upon commercials that AT&T ran during the Winter Olympics. Those spots saluted athletic achievement — and, by extension, anyone who strives to be the best — with the theme “Here’s to possibilities.”

At least those annoying ads with actor Luke Wilson telling you to buy AT&T will be phased out. What do you think of the changes? A good move or an act of desperation?

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