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This is how long we will wait for cool stuff

Marc Sanchez Aug 17, 2012

Driverless cars, 3D printing, “smart” drugs, and hummingbird drones have all made appearances on Marketplace Tech Report. Some form of the same caveat seems to emerge time and time again. It has to do with when all this cool stuff will actually be in our lives. Analytics firm Gartner has just released its 2012 Hype Circle of Emerging Technologies report, which estimates the tipping point for lots of this cool stuff

Sorry mobile robots, 3D bioprinting, and the Internet of Things, Gartner says we’ll have to wait more than 10 years for you. And even though Google prints its own pasta, every day 3D printing still looks to be 5-10 years down the road. Don’t laugh, Internet TV, because along with NFC payments and crowdsourcing, you’re on the same 5-10 year trajectory. On the other hand, expect to see wireless power, private cloud computing, and biometric authentication methods to become integrated in the next 2-5 years. Hooray – I’m totally planning to remote-retina scan into my home network and turn on some wireless lights in 2015!


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