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Should you let loose at the office holiday party? Stephanie Keith / Getty Images
Ask A Manager

Should you celebrate the holidays in your office?

Marketplace Weekend Staff Dec 11, 2017
Should you let loose at the office holiday party? Stephanie Keith / Getty Images

‘Tis the season for ugly sweaters, festive lights, and presents — at least, when you’re home. Things can get a little confusing when all that holiday stuff makes the jump to your workplace. Is it appropriate to get your co-workers holiday gifts, even if you’re not sure they celebrate the holidays? Or what about the infamous office party — should you really let loose, or maybe go light on the spiked eggnog?

Marketplace Weekend has you covered. We’re taking your holiday workplace questions straight to Ask a Manager’s Alison Green, who joins us every month to answer all of our big work dilemmas, like: How do you manage the logistics of switching careers? Are shorts appropriate work clothes? How do you find a job out of college?

This month, we’re thinking about the holidays. And we want to hear your questions or stories! Do you have a Secret Santa horror story, or are you wondering if it’s even okay to start a Secret Santa tradition? And how do you handle giving a gift to a supervisor, anyway? Send us your thoughts! Drop us an email to weekend@marketplace.org or fill out the form below:

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