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Ask A Manager

What are your workplace questions for Ask a Manager?

Marketplace Weekend Staff Mar 26, 2018
John Pratt/Keystone Features/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Still worried about how to ask for a raise? Unsure of the protocol for getting reimbursed for office supplies? What about how to deal professionally with feedback from co-workers you might disagree with?

Ask a Manager’s Alison Green is ready to answer any and all your questions this week in a special “Ask Me Anything” round of Weekend’s Ask a Manager. Every month, Marketplace Weekend takes your questions to Alison so she can help us work through some of our big work dilemmas.

In months past, we’ve asked Alison about when is it OK to bring your kids to work, how to quit a job, and how to deal with colleagues who are just plain annoying.

Now we want to know — what other queries she can answer?

Send us your questions! Drop us an email to weekend@marketplace.org or fill out the form below:

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