Associated Press

Latest Stories (411)

Amazon, Buffett, JPMorgan Chase tackle US health care tapeworm

Jan 30, 2018
The potential disruption from three renowned innovators in technology and finance sent a shock wave through the health care sector, erasing billions in market capitalization in seconds.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.

U.S. economy grew at solid 2.6 percent rate in fourth quarter

Jan 26, 2018
Growth was spurred by a surge in consumer spending, but the gain was slightly below economists’ 2.8 percent forecast.
A worker carries lumber as he builds a new home in Petaluma, California. 
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

End to government shutdown in sight

Jan 22, 2018
The temporary funding bill would reopen the government through Feb. 8.
An idle forklift and building supplies are seen infront of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. on Jan. 22, 2018.

Senate talks fall short, shutdown extends into workweek

Jan 22, 2018
The White House and GOP leaders said they would not negotiate with Democrats on immigration until the government is reopened.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) leaves the Senate floor and walks to his office on Capitol Hill, January 21, 2018 in Washington, D.C. 
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

U.S. Government shuts down

Jan 19, 2018
Last-minute negotiations crumbled as Dems and GOP blame each other.
Capitol building at night. 
Capitol building at night by M.Fitzsimmons is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0.

Amazon narrows list to 20 for its second headquarters

Jan 18, 2018
The retail giant has narrowed the list after sorting through 238 proposals.
David Ryder / Getty Images

Major shift as Trump opens way for Medicaid work requirement

Advocates for low-income people say work has never been a requirement for Medicaid, originally intended as a health program for the poor and disabled.
President Donald Trump listens to Seema Verma, administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service, during a Women in Healthcare panel in the Roosevelt Room at the White House March 22, 2017 in Washington, D.C.
Mark Wilson / Getty Images