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Caitlan Reeg

Latest Stories (92)

Greece sends mixed messages on ability to solve debt problems

Oct 3, 2011
The Greek government is taking steps to reduce its debt, but won't meet its deficit reduction goals.

In Frankfurt, from stocks to sausages

May 10, 2011
Thomas Brausse lost his job as a stock broker during the height of the financial crisis. Now he's feeding his former colleagues during their lunch breaks with traditional currywurst.

"Over the Rainbow" finds new life in Germany

Feb 12, 2011
Numbers of musicians have covered "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" since it first premiered in 1939, but one version is discovering new-found popularity in Germany and France.

German companies shift conditions for older workers

Jan 29, 2011
Germany raised its retirement age by two years to 67. Now companies and employees are discovering the unexpected consequences.

Don't just drink beer -- soak in it

Dec 31, 2010
Here's a new way to enjoy your beer: a beer bath. Caitlan Carroll travels to the German town of Neuzelle to dip in, and see how it's helping the local economy.

New non-alcoholic downers to get you off the caffeine buzz

Sep 6, 2010
Marketplace's Caitlan Caroll and a few members of the staff tried to take the edge off with "downer drinks," non-alcoholic beverages that help you relax and unwind.

Urban cruise explores commerce

Sep 6, 2010
Some cruises will have you sunning on exotic beaches and sipping mai tais with strangers. This one ferries you around cargo boats and power plants -- and still manages to stay afloat. Caitlan Carroll reports.

New non-alcoholic downers to get you off the caffeine buzz

Jul 29, 2010
Marketplace's Caitlan Caroll and a few members of the staff tried to take the edge off with "downer drinks," non-alcoholic beverages that help you relax and unwind.

Handheld game makes measuring blood sugar fun

Jul 27, 2010
It can be tough to remind a young diabetic to check their blood sugar 12 times a day, so drug maker Bayer has developed a new game to make the measurement less of a drag.

Questions and answers about end-of-life care

Jul 21, 2010
Today and yesterday on Marketplace, we ran a set of stories about end of life care. Yesterday, we looked at the economics of dying. Why is it so...