Chris Farrell

Economics Editor


Chris Farrell is economics editor of Marketplace Money, a nationally syndicated one-hour weekly personal finance show produced by American Public Media. Chris is also economics correspondent for Marketplace, the largest business program in broadcasting and chief economics correspondent for American RadioWorks, the largest producer of long-form documentaries in public radio. He is also contributing economics editor at Business Week magazine. He was host and executive editor of public television’s Right on the Money. He is the author of two books: Right on the Money: Taking Control of Your Personal Finances, and Deflation: What Happens When Prices Fall. Chris is a graduate of Stanford and the London School of Economics.

Latest Stories (2,391)

Business Historian Alfred Chandler, Jr.

May 15, 2007
In the history of business, B. C. stands for Before Chandler. The Harvard Business School professor transformed the study of Big Business in...

Inflation? What inflation?

May 15, 2007
More evidence that inflation isn't a concern, no matter what the Fed says. Today's inflation report has core consumer prices up 2.3% in the 12...

Charley Munger

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Charlie Munger is Warren Buffet's long-time investment partner at Berkshire Hathway. He's less well-known than Buffet. But he too is a genius at...

The Fed Stays Pat

May 9, 2007
There was no surprise that the Fed stayed pat on monetary policy at this week's Federal Open Market Committee meeting. Inflation remains the Fed's...

Good News on the Mortgage Front

May 8, 2007
Some good news for homebuyers. The Wall Street Journal (you need to subscribe) has a story about Bank of America cutting fees on mortgage loans....

Opportunity Cost--and Pretty Little Mistakes

May 6, 2007
In The Economic Naturalist, a new book by Cornell University economist Robert Frank, he describes the concept of "opportunity cost" as one of the...

The High-Cost of High-Fee Mutual Fund Flops

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High-cost mutual funds are hazardous to your returns. If everything is equal low-cost funds will outperform high-cost funds simply because of the...

The Promise of Subprime. Where is Michael Milken When You Need Him?

May 3, 2007
The implosion in the subprime mortagge market is a tragedy. It's terrible for those people that bought a piece of the American Dream with an opaque...

Murdoch's bid for WSJ

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Rupert Murdoch's bid for Dow Jones (parent company of the Wall Street Journal) is a classic for him: Audacious and savvy. The offering price is ...

What, me worry--yes

Apr 30, 2007
Remember when the 9% drop in China's stock market toward the end of February rippled throughout the global economy? Well, it turns out that was...