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Dan Grech

Latest Stories (522)

Miami luring tourists from S. America

Sep 5, 2008
Miami saw a drop in tourism during the first half of this year and wants the tourists back. A travel show this weekend turns south -- way south -- to bring a wave of visitors to the beaches and shopping malls.

Gustav evacuees allowed to go home

Sep 4, 2008
Traffic jammed on some roads into New Orleans as the mandatory evacuation of the city was lifted. Many begged to be able to return, worried about the expence of staying in hotels. Dan Grech reports.

NOLA businesses weather evacuation

Sep 2, 2008
Even though Hurricane Gustav wasn't as severe as expected, it still left billions in property damage behind it. But a bigger cost to business might turn out to be living with frequent mass evacuations. Dan Grech reports.

Home insurance in post-Katrina world

Sep 2, 2008
Katrina cost the insurance industry $40 billion, and in the hurricane's wake, home insurance rates have as much as doubled. Many homeowners couldn't afford the new premiums and had to pass. Dan Gretch reports.

Refineries, rigs take Gustav's blows

Sep 1, 2008
Oil companies won't know the full extent of damage to offshore oil rigs and refineries in and along the Gulf of Mexico until Hurricane Gustav passes. But they think measures they've taken should limit the losses.

Comcast to cap customers' Internet use

Aug 29, 2008
The nation's biggest cable company is setting a limit on how much data its customers can transfer to and from their computers in a month. But the cap isn't really about the Internet. It's about TV. Dan Grech reports.

It's a DVR, but it's probably not TiVo

Aug 27, 2008
TiVo may be a household name, but it hasn't posted many profitable quarters. Dan Grech reports what the company is doing to try to better its earnings and why it has such stiff competition with other digital video recorders.

Latino markets growing in the U.S.

Aug 26, 2008
The Latino food and beverage market in the U.S. is expected to grow to $8.4 billion in the next three years. Dan Grech reports how Latino grocery chains are assimilating with mainstream supermarket culture.

Venezuela lures Honduras into trade

Aug 26, 2008
Honduras has joined a Central American trade pact on a sweetheart deal with Venezuela for cheap oil. Dan Grech reports why the U.S. may want to pay attention to the deal and maybe try to procure an attractive counteroffer.

More banks settle securities probe

Aug 22, 2008
Three more big banks have settled a fraud probe into the sale of auction rate securities, but billions in these securities aren't covered by settlements so far. Dan Grech reports around 40 other companies remain under investigation.