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Dan Grech

Latest Stories (522)

U.S. mayors dedicated to green

Jan 23, 2008
The housing crisis and sustainability issues are just two arenas this year's U.S. Conference of Mayors will be tackling. Dan Grech reports the mayors are focused on keeping up on climate-change initiatives

Paulson focuses on tax relief in address

Jan 22, 2008
Before reacting to this morning's rate cut, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson addressed President Bush's stimulus plan for the U.S. economy. Dan Grech reports Paulson's main concern is the Democratic Congress.

U.S. heels duty-free Honduran socks

Jan 21, 2008
Honduras exports enough socks to the U.S. for President Bush to want to impose a large tax on the products. Dan Grech reports the decision to impose duties on Honduran socks will be a lifeline to U.S. sock makers.

Fidel's brother seen as economic hope

Jan 18, 2008
Cuban elections this weekend are expected to officially position Raul Castro, Fidel's brother, as the next president. Raul is seen as more pragmatic than his older brother, sparking hope that economic change may be on the horizon. Dan Grech reports.

Allstate barred from new Fla. policies

Jan 18, 2008
The insurance company responded to a new law designed to lower insurance costs by boosting its premium rates. Claims adjusters anticipate major hurricane damage in the future. Dan Grech reports.

Castro's brother opens door to reform

Jan 18, 2008
Raul Castro has been running Cuba for his ailing brother Fidel, and he's opened what some say is a Pandora's Box: a national conversation on economic reform. Dan Grech reports from Miami.

A cent too far for Burger King

Jan 16, 2008
Burger King's two-year battle with Florida tomato pickers over a penny-per-pound raise is coming to a head with the news that BK has begun planning to buy tomatoes elsewhere. Dan Grech tells us more.

'Something in the air' at Apple

Jan 15, 2008
Speculation over what will be revealed at this year's Macworld has the tech industry buzzing. Dan Grech reports Apple thrives on this kind of pre-show hype, using talk as part of its market research.

Unions help Obama with Hispanic vote

Jan 9, 2008
Barack Obama may have come in second in New Hampshire's Democratic primary, but he received labor union endorsements this week that could strengthen his standing with Hispanic voters in other states. Dan Grech reports.

Tijuana crime scaring away tourists

Jan 9, 2008
A rise in violent crime in Tijuana has put a damper on American tourism, which the city relies on heavily. Dan Grech reports.