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Dan Grech

Latest Stories (522)

New IDs for Mexico's border control

Jan 7, 2008
Mexico will soon be issuing electronic identity cards to combat security issues at borders. Dan Grech reports the solution is part of a plan to regularize a database of those who consistently cross over.

Florida citrus may have dodged bullet

Jan 4, 2008
Yesterday's snow in Florida had many citrus growers up all night checking the temperatures of their groves. But Dan Grech reports damages might have been avoided because of winds that helped to mitigate frost.

Three Kings Day gives gift of sales

Jan 3, 2008
To get a post-holiday sales bump after a rough season, retail chains like Wal-Mart are promoting products for Three Kings Day, a traditional post-Christmas Hispanic holiday. Dan Grech reports.

NAFTA deadline for Mexican sugar

Jan 2, 2008
When NAFTA took effect in 1994, Mexican sugar farmers were given until early 2008 to modernize their equipment so they could compete with the U.S. But Dan Grech reports some farmers still work the old-fashioned way.

Anti-immigration gets harsher in Arizona

Jan 1, 2008
One of the nation's harshest anti-immigration laws goes into effect today in Arizona. If a company knowingly hires undocumented workers, it could lose its business license. Dan Grech reports.

Law puts Arizona economy on the fence

Dec 31, 2007
In Arizona an estimated 1 in 10 workers is undocumented -- double the national average. It's also the reason the nation's toughest demand-side immigration law will go into effect there Jan. 1. The law could become a national model, if the state doesn't go bankrupt first. Dan Grech reports.

A crackdown year for illegal immigrants

Dec 27, 2007
What was supposed to be the year of comprehensive immigration reform became the year of cracking down on illegal immigrants. Host Lisa Napoli takes a year-end look at illegal immigration with reporter Dan Grech.

With oil this cheap, why say no?

Dec 21, 2007
Venezuela has agreed to sell oil to poor countries in the Caribbean and Central America at sweetheart rates. Dan Grech reports how the country's solid economic benefits mix with an offering of its ideology.

Retail chains on stock buy-back spree

Dec 17, 2007
With only seven shopping days left until Christmas, sales aren't living up to expectations -- which weren't that high to begin with. Retail management, on the other hand, is on a buying binge. Dan Grech reports.

Bolivia provinces could declare autonomy

Dec 14, 2007
Disagreeing on the economic effects of Bolivian President Evo Morales' new constitution, five of the country's provinces are threatening to become autonomous. Dan Grech explores issues the potential for this to create violence.