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Dan Grech

Latest Stories (522)

No Wide Web in rugby World Cup

Sep 8, 2007
The rugby World Cup kicks off in Paris today but a dispute over media rights threatens its coverage. If you want to see it you'd better find it on TV or hop on a plane and buy a ticket, Dan Grech reports.

We'll have ours without the diacetyl

Sep 6, 2007
The nation's three top popcorn makers are pledging to remove the chemical that gives their microwave popcorn that artificial buttery flavor, though even the FDA agrees it isn't dangerous for consumers. Dan Grech reports.

Job losses surge 85% in August

Sep 5, 2007
The housing market meltdown is hitting the job market. Layoffs in the financial sector reached record levels in August as brokers and bankers were sacked by the thousands. And this may just be the beginning of the hurt, Dan Grech reports.

Canal construction ahead next 7 years

Sep 4, 2007
Panama Canal expansion started with a bang yesterday as 15 tons of explosives brought down Paradise Hill to begin a seven-year, $5.25 billion project that will reshape global trade routes. Dan Grech has details.

Edsel rolls into golden age at 50

Sep 4, 2007
Today is the 50th anniversary of the Edsel, but Ford isn't celebrating. It is one of the most spectacular failures in U.S. automotive history, but the splashy car is probably more popular now than ever. Dan Grech reports.

Mexican Dream is alive and well

Aug 30, 2007
Sure the American mortgage market may be all but flatlining, but that's actually given the housing market south of the border a healthy boost. Dan Grech explains.

Phillip Morris splits for global growth

Aug 29, 2007
Altria Group says Philip Morris, the world's largest private tobacco company, will be split in two. The move frees the company from U.S. regulations to expand more aggressively overseas. Dan Grech reports.

Giving the U.S. bad rep by giving billions

Aug 27, 2007
Venezuela has been promising enough aid to its Latin American neighbors to make U.S. donations look a little paltry. But some U.S. policymakers say the country can't keep all of its promises. Dan Grech reports.

Brazilian political scandal hits frying pan

Aug 27, 2007
Dozens of officials in Brazil are accused of getting their palms greased to support the policies of President Lula da Silva. This week that nation's high court takes up the case that's been simmering for years. Dan Grech reports.

U.S. education suddenly a hard sell

Aug 24, 2007
Visa delays, an unpopular war and an immigration crackdown have made America a less appealing destination for international students, and that could be bad for the U.S. economy down the road. Dan Grech explains.