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Dan Grech

Latest Stories (522)

Mexico bordering on a new philosophy

Aug 2, 2007
While the U.S. wrestles over illegal immigration, a similar debate is occurring in Mexico over its southern border with Guatemala. But instead of building fences, Mexico's Congress may decriminalize the act and just send offenders home. Dan Grech reports.

Florida beginning to insure itself

Aug 1, 2007
Florida was already in the middle of its most intense hurricane season when Katrina hit. When private insurers backed away from the state's market, government-backed insurance stepped in. Dan Grech reports.

Chavez swimming in oil profits

Jul 31, 2007
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez calls it "oil socialism:" upping taxes on foreign oil companies and forcing them out of the country if they resist. His strategy has alienated international investors, but he's got a bundle of cash, Dan Grech reports.

Immigrants hitting 'second wall'

Jul 30, 2007
The price of U.S. citizenship goes up today. New fees nearly triple the old ones and that's creating a whole new barrier for low-wage immigrants who are playing by the rules. Dan Grech reports.

Venezuela's social spending spree

Jul 26, 2007
About 20 percent of the nation's GDP goes into health and welfare programs, thanks to high oil prices. Even if prices drop, President Hugo Chavez might be able to keep the social spigot open. Dan Grech reports.

Mexico to experiment with GM corn

Jul 24, 2007
Corn was likely first cultivated in Mexico and it still has a central part of the culture. But genetically modified strains simply produce more corn per acre, and there's a hungry nation to feed. Dan Grech reports.

Starbucks heads south of the border

Jul 23, 2007
The seemingly everpresent coffee-and-lifestyle retailer is looking to perk up its stale stock numbers with a caffeinated push in Tijuana, the busiest border crossing in the world. Dan Grech reports.

Ecospot: Shoot an ad, win a hybrid

Jul 13, 2007
Al Gore is following up on his global rock concert with a new contest to create ads raising awareness of climate change. And the YouTube generation is welcome to join in on the fun. Dan Grech reports.

FDA overwhelmed by flood of imports

Jul 12, 2007
It's not just China... in fact, more tainted imports from Mexico and India were stopped by FDA agents last year. But only about 1 percent of all shipments are checked, and the FDA just can't keep up. Dan Grech reports.

Google's ultimate mapping weapon

Jul 11, 2007
Google may rule the search universe, but MapQuest still has a corner on the Internet mapping and direction market -- for now. Google this morning launched a new application that it hopes will catapult its ranking. Dan Grech reports.