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Dan Grech

Latest Stories (522)

Seeking a royal resolution

Apr 19, 2007
Argentina and Uruguay are locked in a bitter dispute over a $1.2 billion paper plant on their shared border, so they've asked... the King of Spain to step in? Yes, it seems King Juan Carlos is something of a peacemaker in the region.

Populist president takes on Ecuador's elite

Apr 13, 2007
Rafael Correa has spurned free trade with the U.S. and threatens to default on his country's debt. Now he's taking on Ecuador's political system, which he says is dominated by the country's elite.

Chavez opponents left jobless, blacklisted

Apr 10, 2007
Just as in the U.S., controversy over politically motivated firings is raging in Venezuela. But the scale of the alleged political discrimination is far wider. Dan Grech reports.

Bush touts immigration policy at the border

Apr 9, 2007
President Bush visited Yuma, Ariz., today, calling attention to his administration's emphasis on controlling illegal immigration at the border and the workplace. Dan Grech reports.

Filling the cheap labor void

Apr 9, 2007
Workplace raids have succeeded in scaring off illegal immigrant workers — but that's left many farms and businesses struggling to maintain production levels and Congress struggling to agree on a solution.

Chavez gets biofuel backlash

Apr 6, 2007
Venezuela's Hugo Chavez has reversed his pro-ethanol stance on the heels of an announced ethanol partnership between the U.S. and Brazil. Probably realized his political influence would be eroded by widespread adoption of the biofuel.

Senators don't break for immigration

Apr 4, 2007
Most Congress members are enjoying spring recess this week, but 10 Senate leaders are working through the break to try to come to a compromise on immigration reform.

High-tech businesses frustrated by H1B limits

Apr 3, 2007
The U.S. immigration office had a one-day window open to receive H1B visas for skilled foreign workers. The rush — and subsequent 65,000 application limit — has high-tech companies flustered.

Sticking point with Brazil

Mar 30, 2007
Brazil's Lula da Silva will visit President Bush at Camp David tomorrow. They've agreed to work together to promote the use of ethanol fuel, but U.S. tariffs on sugar-based ethanol are gumming up negotiations.

Cocaine's loophole: Venezuela

Mar 29, 2007
The U.S. has poured $4 billion into stopping the Colombian drug trade, and it's worked — except that smugglers have found an easy path though neighboring Venezuela since it cut political ties with America and stopped cooperating.