Dan Grech

Latest Stories (522)

A new deal for free trade

Mar 27, 2007
Democrats unveiled an initiative that would force the U.S. to include worker protections in trade deals — a move that could sink some White House free trade aspirations in Latin America. Dan Grech reports.

A new deal for free trade

Mar 27, 2007
Democrats are unveiling an initiative today that would force the U.S. to include worker protections in future trade deals — a move that could sink some of the White House's free trade aspirations in Latin America.

Chavez: 'China is the market of the future'

Mar 26, 2007
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is going out of his way to cut the U.S. out of the picture as he nationalizes his country's oil industry — all the way to China.

Revolutionary tourists

Mar 21, 2007
A growing number of Americans, seeking a street-level view of 21st-century socialism, are traveling to visit Venezuela under President Hugo Chavez. Dan Grech reports.

In Colombia, it pays to be protected

Mar 19, 2007
Chiquita pleaded guilty to paying paramilitary groups to protect its business in Colombia. But the banana producer isn't alone in paying for protection. Dan Grech reports.

Another Mexican border to cross

Mar 14, 2007
For many illegal immigrants, the journey to the U.S. begins south of Mexico. But traffic across its Guatemalan border isn't one-way. There's a $10 billion contraband economy based on the loosely-patrolled perimeter.

Mending fences, not building them

Mar 13, 2007
President Bush is in Mexico, meeting with President Felipe Calderon. Their conversation's turned to immigration reform and trying to keep Mexican workers at home. Dan Grech reports.

Mexico in the middle

Mar 13, 2007
President Bush wraps up his Latin American tour in Mexico, where he hopes President Felipe Calderon will serve as the region's free market counterweight to socialist Hugo Chavez — but the scales may be tipping in the other direction.

Mutiny in South America?

Mar 9, 2007
Uruguay is next on the President's tour of Latin America. Bush will push for deeper trade ties with the tiny nation that's threatening to pull away from Brazil and Argentina in a show of diplomatic muscle.

Bush leaves for Latin America, minus cash

Mar 8, 2007
The purpose of President Bush's weeklong trip to Latin America is to focus on social development to reduce poverty there, but his proposed 2008 budget actually cuts aid to the region — a detail that hasn't gone unnoticed.