Dan Grech

Latest Stories (522)

Bush to avoid Chavez supporters on trip

Mar 7, 2007
President Bush will head to Brazil, Colombia and Uruguay. But he won't be going to countries where the politics are aligned with Venezuela's Hugo Chavez. Dan Grech reports.

New attack on predatory lending

Mar 6, 2007
Sub-prime lenders are suffering double-digit drops on Wall Street. Consumer advocates say it's the fallout of shady lending practices, and today they launched a national campaign to address the problem.

Putting our best biofuel forward

Mar 5, 2007
Tariffs aside, the U.S. and Brazil, the world's largest ethanol producers, are working together to present a united front to push the biofuel. The goal? Counter the oil cartel.

ExxonMobil's not fighting the Chavez takeover

Mar 2, 2007
Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez said this week his government will take over control of four key oil projects, including one held by ExxonMobil. He's set an ambitious 60-day deadline for the handover. Dan Grech reports.

CAFTA's one-year check-up

Mar 2, 2007
After a year of free trade between the U.S. and a handful of Central American countries, the outlook on whether it's a good deal — and for whom — is still split down the usual lines.

Can Venezuela stand the heat of its own economy?

Mar 1, 2007
A flush economy comes at a price, as Venezuelans are discovering with fast-rising inflation. Dan Grech went to Caracas to see how the country's spending is catching up to the local market.

Saca buddies up to Democrats

Feb 27, 2007
El Salvador's President Tony Saca is a strong ally of the Bush administration, but now he's trying to make friends with top Democrats and it has everything to do with immigration.

Juice lovers feelin' the squeeze

Feb 23, 2007
It's been a rough year for oranges. We had a freeze in California. And a shortage in Florida. That's pushed OJ prices higher and higher . . . and higher. But heavy rains in Brazil may bring some relief.

Inflation? I don't want to hear it!

Feb 22, 2007
What do you do if your economy is overheated and inflation is spiraling out of control? If you're the Argentina president, you shoot the messenger. Dan Grech reports.

Venezuela, Argentina swap money for milk

Feb 22, 2007
The South American allies have made an unusual trade deal: Oil-rich Venezuela will bail out an Argentine dairy producer in exchange for powdered milk. And it has as much to do with politics as economics.