Dan Grech

Latest Stories (522)

One-day miners strike in Mexico

Feb 19, 2007
A year ago today, a mine explosion in Mexico killed 65 workers. Since then, only two bodies have been recovered and no one's been prosecuted, so miners are striking to pressure the government to punish their employer.

A case of political supply and demand?

Feb 15, 2007
With basic staples getting harder to find on supermarket shelves in Venezuela, President Hugo Chavez is accusing businesses of holding back to avoid selling at the government's fixed prices. Dan Grech reports.

Venezuela's taking back the power

Feb 12, 2007
A Virginia company is selling one of its subsidiaries back to Venezuela for less than half the purchase price as Hugo Chavez makes good on his promise to nationalize the country's energy companies.

Why do Venezuelans love Hugo Chavez?

Feb 2, 2007
As President Bush and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez continue their verbal sparring match, Dan Grech is in Caracas asking, why is the man so villainized in the States, so popular in his own country?

Tortilla protest in Mexico

Jan 31, 2007
Thousands will gather in Mexico City today to protest the price of tortillas. The cost of the corn-based staple has tripled in recent months. Is the new demand for ethanol to blame? Dan Grech reports.

Venezuela takes a Cuban vacation

Jan 29, 2007
Travel to Cuba dipped by some 100,000 tourists last year. Enter Venezuela, with an unusual deal to make up for the decline. Dan Grech has details.

New backdrop for immigration reform

Jan 23, 2007
With Democrats in control of Congress, President Bush is expected to make a renewed push for an immigration policy overhaul. And his guest worker program might have a better shot this time around. Dan Grech reports.

Migrants as pesos

Jan 19, 2007
For many illegal immigrants coming into America across the U.S.-Mexico border, it's not the first border they've crossed. Dan Grech went to Mexico's southern border to see what a difficult, dangerous place it can be.

Sunshine State to benefit from citrus freeze

Jan 17, 2007
The dark cloud of freezing temperatures that has devastated California's citrus crops has a silver lining — for Florida. Dan Grech reports.

Tribune still for sale . . . anyone?

Jan 17, 2007
Tonight is the deadline to bid on the troubled Tribune Company. Buyers get a media arm that reaches into 80 percent of U.S. households and a baseball team. So why so little interest? Dan Grech reports.