Dan Grech

Latest Stories (522)

Mexican troops descend on 'Narcopulco'

Jan 11, 2007
Ah, Acapulco. White sandy beaches, cold Mexican beer . . . armed vehicles and the buzzing of military planes? Mexico is cracking down on drug traffickers in the resort. Dan Grech reports.

Talk of a radio merger

Jan 11, 2007
Executives at both XM and Sirius satellite radio said this week that they like the idea of a merger and stocks jumped on the news. But not everyone's buying it, Dan Grech reports.

US Air sweetens bid for Delta

Jan 10, 2007
So far Delta has fended off hostile takeover attempts by US Airways, but this morning the offer went up 20 percent. Is that enough to sway Delta bondholders? Dan Grech reports.

I'll take those 2 companies over there

Jan 9, 2007
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez plans to nationalize his country's biggest telecom and power companies. And it's no accident both are controlled by U.S. firms. Dan Grech reports.

Power shifting in Latin America

Jan 9, 2007
Nicaragua swears in new president Daniel Ortega tomorrow. He ruled that nation once before back in the '80s, allied with the Soviet Union. Nowadays, he's close to another U.S. foe. Dan Grech reports.

Gap goes shopping for a buyer

Jan 9, 2007
Private equity could soon get the chance to try on Gap apparel. The retail heavyweight has reportedly hired Goldman Sachs to explore its sale. Dan Grech has the story.

Air Force contract rules questioned

Jan 8, 2007
Midair refueling isn't just technically complicated, it's a political minefield as well. The Air Force has a contract on the block for aerial-refueling planes but one of the bidders isn't happy. Dan Grech explains.

Are you ready for some ads!

Jan 4, 2007
Super Bowl commercials continue to get pricier and, hopefully, more entertaining as companies shell out millions of dollars to get your attention. Dan Grech reports.

With no Home Depot improvement, CEO exits

Jan 3, 2007
The company underperformed, its stock tanked, but Home Depot's board still gave outgoing chief Robert Nardelli a $210 million severance package. Dan Grech has more.

Home Depot CEO is out

Jan 3, 2007
Your company underperforms, your stock tanks and you make millions? That's a recipe for some unhappy shareholders. The struggling home improvement retailer announced today that CEO Robert Nardelli has resigned. Dan Grech reports.