Dan Grech

Latest Stories (522)

Hints of rethinking the Cuba embargo

Dec 18, 2006
Congress is showing signs of a willingness to take a fresh look at the 44-year U.S. trade embargo with Cuba. And with Fidel's health failing, Cuban American exiles are open to policy change too, Dan Grech reports.

Driving down the price of drugs

Dec 18, 2006
Private companies aren't the only ones putting pressure on drugmakers to lower prescription prices. This morning the Bush administration will offer its own proposal. Dan Grech reports.

Suit alleges a gallon isn't a gallon

Dec 15, 2006
A consumer fraud lawsuit accuses gas stations of selling fuel at higher temperatures than legally required in hot climates like Florida and Texas. What's the problem? Consumers could be paying for fumes. Dan Grech explains.

Motorists sue over gas temperature

Dec 15, 2006
When you heat a liquid, it expands. No big surprise there. But when that liquid is gasoline, billions ride on this simple scientific truth. $2 billion, to be exact. Dan Grech explains how warm gas has led to some hot consumers.

Almost 10 hours a day

Dec 15, 2006
Americans now spend 9.5 hours a day consuming some form of media according to new data from the Census Bureau. The numbers keep going up — but the mix is changing. Dan Grech has details.

Tribune not selling L.A. Times a la carte

Dec 14, 2006
Entertainment mogul David Geffen has offered $2 billion cash for the Los Angeles Times, but Tribune is holding out for a buyer who wants everything on the menu. Dan Grech reports.

More merger talk in the air

Dec 13, 2006
Ever since US Air made a bid for Delta last month, merger mania has hit the airline industry. Just this morning, word of two possible deals. Dan Grech reports.

Swift's meat-plant employees questioned

Dec 12, 2006
U.S. immigration officials raided six meatpacking plants owned by Swift & Co. today — surprising since Swift is in a voluntary pilot program aimed at rooting out undocumented workers. Dan Grech reports.

Mexico contemplates new sin taxes

Dec 12, 2006
Production at Mexico's main oil field is down 15 percent this year alone and that's left world's No. 5 oil producer looking for new ways to raise money. Dan Grech reports.

Pinochet's economic legacy

Dec 11, 2006
Former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet died Sunday at age 91. Many have criticized his brutal regime, but he leaves behind a tremendously successful economic legacy. Dan Grech reports.