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Gregory Warner

Reporter, Marketplace


Gregory Warner is a senior reporter for Marketplace, covering the business and economics of health care for the entire Marketplace portfolio. He’s taken on questions as varied as how drugs get named, how ineffective procedures become popular, and how politicians fuel a costly medical arms race.

Warner started at Marketplace in November of 2009. Previously, he freelanced radio stories from conflict zones such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and DR Congo. Before becoming a radio reporter, he lived in New York working as an investigator of police brutality and a jazz pianist in a piano bar.

Warner’s favorite interviews are ones where he takes a journey with people. Recent examples include jogging with a homeless persons’ running club in Philadelphia, enduring ‘empathy training’ with call center reps in Ky., and undergoing fear-based alcoholism treatment in Moscow.

Warner holds a degree in English from Yale. In 2009, he was awarded Best News Feature from the Third Coast International Audio Festival for a Marketplace and Homelands Productions profile of a Congolese miner. He also has two Edward R. Murrow awards and awards from Associated Press, Sigma Delta Chi (from the Society for Professional Journalists), New York Festivals and PRNDI.

Warner was born in New York and currently resides in Philadelphia. In his free time, he enjoys biking, Werner Herzog films, and making up songs for his 8-month-old son.

Latest Stories (258)

Health law paves way to better living

Apr 15, 2010
The new health care bill sets aside $15 billion to help create healthier communities. Gregory Warner reports on how that money could make a difference in New York City's South Bronx.

Health reform supporting school clinics

Apr 8, 2010
Health problems are increasingly affecting students' ability to learn, particularly in low-income neighborhoods. The new health reform law helps tackle the problem by providing more money for in-school clinics. Gregory Warner reports.

Sometimes hospital tech isn't enough

Apr 6, 2010
Hospital computers are supposed to be adept at assisting doctors and nurses at tasks like spotting errors with prescriptions. But a new study out stays the technology might not be as thorough as it needs to be. Gregory Warner reports.

FDA may remove drug ad distractions

Apr 5, 2010
Drug ads are required by law to lay out the fine print of any product, but marketers tend to soften the blow of any side effects by pairing foreboding audio with positive, distracting pictures. That soon may change. Gregory Warner reports.

A history lesson in health care reform

Mar 30, 2010
President Obama signed legislation to put the finishing touches on overhauling U.S. health care. The health reform effort is almost exactly 100 years old. Gregory Warner takes a look back.

Scientists warn FDA about CT scans

Mar 30, 2010
FDA scientists are trying to urge the agency to be more careful about the approval of devices like CT scans, which are being used more increasingly in medical facilities. Gregory Warner gauges the risks.

IRS will enforce new health care law

Mar 29, 2010
Now that Congress has signed the historic health care bill into law, it'll have to make sure to enforce the bill. That job will fall to the IRS, and residents as well as insurance companies will have to comply. Gregory Warner reports.

A history lesson in health care reform

Mar 26, 2010
Reporter Gregory Warner delves into some of the history surrounding U.S. health care reform.

How will health care reform impact us?

Mar 22, 2010
Steve Chiotakis talks to Marketplace's Gregory Warner about the effect reform will have on medical professionals, insurers and drug companies, and to Marketplace's Brett Neely about the Republicans' wish to repeal the reform.

Pfizer looking for generics deal

Mar 18, 2010
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer is hoping to make a deal with a generic drug maker to diversify. Marketplace's Gregory Warner reports why Pfizer is shifting its strategy and what it wants from a generics deal.