Helen Palmer

Latest Stories (187)

Is anemia-drug use too red-blooded?

May 9, 2007
An FDA panel takes a look tomorrow at the use of anemia medications. They're often used by cancer patients, but they're expensive for patients and insurance companies. Helen Palmer reports.

Bill Clinton, drug deal superstar

May 9, 2007
The former president has worked out a deal to lower the cost of top-of-the-line AIDS treatment to less than $1 a day in developing nations. That's 50 to 70 percent less, but some say it's still too much. Helen Palmer reports.

Brazil rejects price of Merck's AIDS drug

May 4, 2007
Brazil's President Lula da Silva today authorized breaking the patent on Merck's AIDS drug Efavirenz, citing the drug's price. The country will import a generic version from India instead. Helen Palmer reports.

AstraZeneca pays to play in biotech

Apr 23, 2007
The giant pharmaceutical company, maker of the Crestor cholesterol drug, will pay $15.5 billion for MedImmune. Analysts say it's a good move, but the price may be too high. Helen Palmer reports.

Report: Medicare is very sick

Apr 23, 2007
Today's annual report on the fiscal health of the Medicare system is expected to put forth a prognosis so bleak it will trigger the program's first-ever funding warning. And even that probably won't make a difference.

More flu vaccine than we need

Apr 20, 2007
Drug companies are expected to pump out a record 132 million doses of flu vaccine for next winter — even though there were 20 million doses left over this year.

Medicare drug bill stalls

Apr 18, 2007
A bill to allow Medicare to negotiate cheaper drug prices failed in the Senate today, as Democrats couldn't muster enough votes to break a Republican filibuster. Helen Palmer reports.

First bird flu vaccine for humans OK'd

Apr 18, 2007
The vaccine is less than 50 percent effective and only has a shelf life of 18 months, but the FDA says it's still worth approving and stockpiling — because in the event of a pandemic, saving some lives will be better than none.

Vioxx successor seeks approval

Apr 12, 2007
An FDA panel votes today on a new Merck arthritis drug called Arcoxia. It's a super-aspirin like Vioxx, which was pulled off shelves after studies linked use to increased risks of heart attack and stroke. But does this new drug belong on the market?

Converting pounds into dollars

Apr 10, 2007
Besides the impact to your health, there are costs of carrying too much flesh on your bones. Helen Palmer reports in our occasional series on the economic effects of fat.