Helen Palmer

Latest Stories (187)

Pneumonia drop ups vaccine's value

Apr 9, 2007
Prevnar is an expensive vaccine but effective in preventing deadly diseases such as meningitis, so doctors have been using it despite the high cost. Now evidence that it also cuts pneumonia cases makes its price tag seem even more reasonable.

Women shorted by 'consumer-directed' health plans

Apr 6, 2007
So-called consumer-directed health care plans are touted as an easy way to cut costs for employers. But the high deductible options hit female employees the hardest, because they have more health care needs.

Celebrating a drug's return with caution

Apr 2, 2007
Ads for the drug Celebrex return tonight after a two-year absence, but the focus will be on the aspirin's potential dangers rather than its benefits. Helen Palmer reports on the product's marketing makeover.

Smoking's bad for your career

Mar 30, 2007
A study of women in the Navy has found that smokers are less successful in their jobs, especially those who light up daily. Could be all that extra time they spend smoking instead of working.

Satellite TV's coming to the minivan

Mar 29, 2007
Chrysler has struck a deal with Sirius to offer kid-friendly channels like Disney and Nicklodeon on some of its 2008 models. Why would two struggling companies make such a deal? Helen Palmer reports.

Moms-to-be may wanna skip the beef

Mar 28, 2007
Results of a new study suggest that eating a lot of beef during pregnancy may adversely affect fertility of boys in the womb. Researchers found that the more beef the mother ate, the lower her son's sperm count later in life.

Heart study jolts drugs-versus-stents debate

Mar 26, 2007
A new report claims that stents don't work as well as drugs in preventing heart disease. The news was enough to move the markets. Helen Palmer has the story.

Losing control of campus contraceptive costs

Mar 23, 2007
Nearly 40% of college-age women use birth-control drugs. Some of them have had a nasty shock in the past couple of weeks. Helen Palmer reports.

Fighting an antibiotic resistance — with taxes

Mar 23, 2007
Antibiotics are so cheap and easy to prescribe, there's little incentive for doctors not to, even though resistance grows with each use. But now a think tank has suggested novel approach: If you can't cure the behavior, tax it.

Health administrator, heal thyself

Mar 20, 2007
Americans have the most expensive health care in the world. And a study released today says about 30 cents of every dollar paid for our health goes to administrative costs. Helen Palmer reports.