Helen Palmer

Latest Stories (187)

Faster drug approval . . . for a fee

Feb 16, 2007
The FDA and the pharmaceutical companies have come up with a new proposal for a program that charges drugmakers fees to speed up FDA approval process, but critics say it doesn't do enough to protect consumers.

Are CEOs paid an unhealthy amount?

Feb 15, 2007
One of the factors often cited as contributing to high health-care costs is the money paid to executives of medical and drug companies. Helen Palmer looks at whether the bosses are worth what they get.

Indonesia limits access to bird flu samples

Feb 7, 2007
Indonesia has decided to send its bird flu virus samples to a drug company instead of the World Health Organization to develop a vaccine. Some researchers are worried, as Helen Palmer reports.

Putting odds on FDA approval

Feb 1, 2007
Researchers in Boston said today they've figured out a way to get around the problem of developing drugs that never get approved by the FDA. Helen Palmer reports.

West Virginia goes on Weight Watchers

Jan 29, 2007
The Mountain State is about to put its Medicaid population on a diet run by the weight-loss company in an attempt to reduce the $100 million a year it spends in obesity-related medical costs. Helen Palmer reports.

Even Crisco trims the trans fat

Jan 26, 2007
The big blue tub of vegetable shortening that many a pie-crust baker'll swear by has joined the trans fat-free revolution. Helen Palmer reports.

Living in different worlds

Jan 24, 2007
American children of different races aren't growing up in a world of equal opportunity, according to data collected by researchers as part of a new project exploring diversity in U.S. metro areas. Helen Palmer reports.

Mass. health plan getting second opinions

Jan 22, 2007
Last October the Bay State started signing up its low-income uninsured for a universal health coverage plan. But Helen Palmer reports that some cracks in that plan are starting to show.

Piling on the costs to healthcare

Jan 4, 2007
We're all aware that being overweight can hurt your personal health, and your ego, too. But it also contributes to rising costs of health care. Helen Palmer reports.

Looking for a cure to high drug prices

Jan 2, 2007
An infectious-disease doctor from London says he's developed a new way of making a drug to treat Hepatitis C that could slash the cost of new therapies. Helen Palmer reports.