Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Clunkers good to Asian carmakers

Aug 27, 2009
The Department of Transportation has released its top 10 lists of vehicles traded in and bought under Cash for Clunkers. Steve Henn reports the program was good to Asian automakers.

Subprime lenders set to collect $21b

Aug 26, 2009
Lenders that contributed to the subprime mortgage crisis will get more than $21 billion in taxpayer money to help borrowers modify the terms of troubled loans. Steve Henn reports.

Sen. Kennedy's impact on health care

Aug 26, 2009
Reporter Steve Henn talks with Steve Chiotakis about Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy's economic and health care legacy as we look back on his life.

Reaction to Bernanke's reappointment

Aug 25, 2009
President Obama has renominated Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to a second term at that post, ending months of rumors and speculation. Steve Henn reports.

Clunker dealers dash for deal approvals

Aug 24, 2009
Cash for Clunkers has been a boon to manufacturers, autoworkers and dealers. But as the program ends, some dealers worry they may not be able to get their deals approved by the deadline. Steve Henn reports.

Are homes sales a sign of a turnaround?

Aug 21, 2009
Existing home sales surged in July as buyers took advantage of lower prices. Is it a sign the housing crisis is relenting? Steve Henn reports.

What the SEC did wrong with Madoff

Aug 21, 2009
The Securities and Exchange Commission's inspector general is expected to release a report next week on how the SEC failed in the Madoff debacle. Steve Henn reports.

'Astroturf' campaign fights climate bill

Aug 17, 2009
Big oil and coal companies are using their trade associations to organize fake grass-roots protests against the climate bill working its way through Congress. Steve Henn reports.

Who will pay for new federal oversight?

Aug 14, 2009
The Obama administration is grappling with figuring out who will fund the costs for new regulation of the financial system. Steve Henn reports even bankers can't seem to agree.

Economists cautious on global outlook

Aug 13, 2009
France and Germany both reported that their economies grew last quarter. Many economists seized on those numbers as more evidence the global recession is ending -- though they still remain cautious. Steve Henn reports.