Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Economy not falling, but not better yet

Aug 12, 2009
Almost two years after the recession started, things are officially not getting worse anymore. But even though the bleeding has stopped, the economy is still in intensive care. Steve Henn reports.

Debts mounting on Fed balance sheet

Aug 10, 2009
A Fed committee meets tomorrow to decide whether to change short-term interest rates. But analysts are more concerned about the debts the Fed has been buying -- and it's set to take on more. Steve Henn reports.

High unemployment stymies recovery

Aug 5, 2009
The unemployment rate is what economists call a "lagging indicator," meaning it doesn't say much about where the economy is headed. Some economists are worried the job market is so weak that it could kill any recovery before it starts. Steve Henn reports

Health care overhaul leads to ad war

Aug 4, 2009
Debate over the health care system overhaul is being fought on an advertising battlefield. And Steve Henn reports not everyone is playing fair.

Much ado about TARP profits

Jul 22, 2009
As banks start paying back TARP funds, taxpayers are getting about 12.4% return on their investment. Now lawmakers are trying to decide whether to spend that money to help the housing market or to pay down the national debt. Steve Henn reports.

Will TARP cost taxpayers $23.7 trillion?

Jul 21, 2009
TARP watchdog Neil Barofsky estimates that the $700 billion stimulus could end up costing taxpayers $23.7 trillion in the long run. But response from lawmakers, bankers and bloggers have been skeptical of his massive estimate. Steve Henn reports.

Health care lobbyists jockey for position

Jul 17, 2009
President Obama wants a plan for health care reform before Congress goes on recess. There is a lot of talk about how the changes will help patients and doctors, but lobbyists are controlling the discussion thus far. Steven Henn reports.

CIT customers seek out new lenders

Jul 16, 2009
CIT received $2 billion from the Fed last fall, but it won't be getting seconds from Washington. What does that mean for the small businesses that depend on loans from the company? Steve Henn reports.

CIT failure would harm small business

Jul 13, 2009
You may not have heard of CIT, but hundreds of thousands of businesses rely on the bank to provide crucial lending. What would happen if the bank bites the dust? Steve Henn reports.

How do we pay for health care reform?

Jul 13, 2009
The House's health care reform bill was supposed to come out early last week, but members of Congress are still grappling with how to pay for it. But Steve Henn reports the delays are not necessarily a sign of trouble.