Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Feds shut down small-biz credit firm

Jul 10, 2009
New credit regulations take effect next year to insure small-business owners get the credit they need. But one credit company has been squeezing small businesses so much that the government is taking notice now. Steve Henn reports.

Will hospital deal really materialize?

Jul 7, 2009
Reports say three major hospital associations have agreed to a voluntary deal to trim $155 billion from the government's health care bills over the next decade. But some are concerned it might not happen. Steve Henn reports.

Why hasn't the stimulus trickled down?

Jul 6, 2009
Some pundits say another fiscal stimulus is needed with unemployment at 9.5% and rising. But much of the money from the last stimulus hasn't been spent. Steve Henn reports.

U.S.-Russia trade not booming

Jul 6, 2009
President Obama's first visit to Russia will focus on trade between the two superpowers. But a close look at current trading relations between the countries shows there's not a whole lot going on. Steve Henn reports.

Local governments feel budget pains

Jul 3, 2009
State governments are in the middle of major budget crises, and local governments may be feeling the pain next. Steve Henn reports.

Copywriter pitches himself for new jobs

Jul 3, 2009
More than 32,000 advertising jobs have been wiped out from targeted Internet ads and the recession. To get back into the job market, some are taking unconventional approaches. Steve Henn talked to one copywriter who exposed himself for shock value.

Financial firms fight consumer agency

Jul 1, 2009
The financial industry says it will attempt to block the Obama administration's proposal for a consumer protection agency. But its lobbyists may have a difficult battle ahead. Steve Henn reports.

Boeing's Dreamliner is dream deferred

Jun 30, 2009
The Boeing 787 Dreamliner was supposed to have taken off by now, but will remain grounded due to a problem predicting how the lightweight plane will respond to flight stress. Steve Henn reports.

Congress, Fed work out marital issues

Jun 26, 2009
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's meeting on Capitol Hill sounded more like a marital spat than a hearing. But for the Congress-Fed relationship to work, communication is key. Steve Henn reports.

Firms peel back on retirement benefits

Jun 22, 2009
More employers are cutting back on retirement benefits to save money. Steve Henn reports it's unclear if those perks will ever come back once the economy improves.