Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

'Cash for clunkers' too expensive?

Jun 19, 2009
A center point in the debate for the "cash for clunkers" program has been the $1 billion price tag. Beyond the hotly-contested cost, the bill wouldn't just give cash to anyone with a junker. Steve Henn reports.

Stanford taken in on Ponzi allegations

Jun 19, 2009
A grand jury in Houston unseals an indictment today for Texas billionaire Allen Stanford, who surrendered to the FBI yesterday. The SEC accused Stanford of running an $8 billion Ponzi scheme through his bank in Antigua. Steve Henn reports.

Conflict brewing over big highway bill

Jun 18, 2009
Democratic Congressman Jim Oberstar and the Obama administration disagree on a proposed transportation overhaul. The congressman wants to compensate for lost highway funds by hiking the gas tax. Steve Henn reports.

One-third of U.S. factories sitting idle

Jun 16, 2009
A survey of economists projected that U.S. factory production was at 68 percent of capacity last month. That means roughly a third of all U.S. plants were sitting idle in May. Steve Henn looks for the bright side.

Fed answers 'too big to fail' question

Jun 15, 2009
For more than a year, the feds have struggled to determine what regulators should do with banks deemed "too big too fail." President Obama is set to unveil a number of proposals today. Steve Henn reports.

Bank execs still cash in on the way out

Jun 11, 2009
Despite efforts from the government to limit executive compensation, many banks are still paying out huge sums to departing CEOs. Steve Henn reports in collaboration with the investigative newsroom ProPublica.

Feds scrutinize big banks' management

Jun 8, 2009
Regulators are taking a close look at the management and board of directors at some of the nation's biggest banks. Steve Henn reports the feds have already forced some shakeups.

Why TARP payback may be bad idea

Jun 8, 2009
Today, the Treasury Dept will announce which banks get to pay back TARP. But some analysts worry that if regulators let weaker banks try to walk on their own, taxpayers could end up bailing them out again. Steve Henn reports.

Tax preparers may now need a license

Jun 4, 2009
The Internal Revenue Service is considering new standards for paid tax preparers, like requiring them to be licensed. Steve Henn reports.

GM puts dealers in a tight spot

Jun 3, 2009
Thousands of GM dealers received a letter this week giving them a choice -- give up control over a lot of their businesses or face closure. Steve Henn reports.