Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Cutting red tape to reform health care

Jun 3, 2009
The health care industry is looking for ways it can simplify its processes as a way to cut costs. But some analysts are skeptical that skirting red tape can really be all that effective. Steve Henn looks at both sides.

Oil has likely seen its summer peak

Jun 2, 2009
The average price of a gallon of gas has shot up by about a dollar since January. But a new Saudi Arabian oil field is just one big reason consumers won't see prices climb any higher this season. Steve Henn reports.

Next step for Kennedy health care plan

May 29, 2009
Sen. Edward Kennedy is circulating a draft of his health care reform plan. Reporter Steve Henn talks with Kai Ryssdal about how much it will cost, what people are saying about it, and what comes next for the measure.

Investment bankers: CIA wants you

May 28, 2009
The CIA is recruiting investment bankers and other Wall Street types. If they can pass a few hurdles, the financial whizzes will work on tracking economic threats to national security. Steve Henn reports.

Interest groups battle over Sotomayor

May 27, 2009
Supreme Court nomination battles often give rise to big advertising and lots of cable chatter. As Steve Henn reports, that may be because some institutions have a big interest in egging on the fight.

U.S. debt losing its purchasing appeal

May 25, 2009
This week, the federal government is set to borrow $162 billion in bonds with an auction. But recently, the global appetite for U.S. debt has been on the decline, and low interest rates are no longer a working lure. Steve Henn reports

Who should have the power to regulate

May 20, 2009
Washington is gearing up for a fight over who should regulate our financial system and what steps to take to protect the public from future financial disasters. Steve Henn reports.

Even the Fed may face stress tests

May 14, 2009
Some unlikely political allies are pushing a piece of legislation that calls for a full-scale audit of the Federal Reserve and its 12 regional banks. Steve Henn reports what would be involved in a stress test for the Fed.

Advertisers pitch selves for new jobs

May 12, 2009
More than 32,000 advertising jobs have been wiped out from targeted Internet ads and the recession. To get back into the job market, some are pitching risky. Steve Henn talked to one male copywriter who exposed his talent for shock value.

Banks ahead against credit card reform

May 11, 2009
Congress has unveiled several measures to get the ball rolling on credit card reform, from age limits on cards to retroactive rates. But the banking industry is fighting back, and in many cases the lobbying effort is working. Steve Henn reports.