Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Big opportunities at White House dinner

May 8, 2009
The White House Correspondents' Dinner is typically a huge fete for journalists. And this year it could be bigger than ever. As Steve Henn reports, it's also a chance to do a little business.

Banks have hurdles to get rid of TARP

May 6, 2009
Some bankers are eager to get rid of their federal bailout funds, and free themselves from government regulation. But to do that, banks will have to clear a few hurdles first. Steve Henn reports.

A reality check on the economy

May 5, 2009
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says he expects the economy to recover later this year, and there are glimmers of hope in the economic data. But, don't break out the champagne just yet. Steve Henn reports.

Obama tightens international tax code

May 4, 2009
President Obama made a push for collecting more taxes on international profits. He would eliminate some deductions companies get for officially earning profits in the Bahamas. Bill Radke has more.

Banks try to raise cash despite rep

May 4, 2009
Citigroup, Bank of America and other lenders are trying to convince the Federal Reserve and Treasury they're not as bad off as the government says. But despite those claims, several are looking for ways to raise more capital. Steve Henn reports.

Hollywood's making money again

May 1, 2009
Hollywood is hoping that X-Men Origins: Wolverine will rack in $100 million on its opening weekend. The movie business is actually breaking records, thanks to higher ticket prices at the box office. Steve Henn reports.

Retiree bonuses for quick stimulus

May 1, 2009
This month, 50 million retirees will get a one-time $250 bonus in their government check, no matter how much they make. The Social Security Administration says these checks will inject $13 billion into the economy quickly. Steve Henn reports.

Chrysler creditors need more coercing

Apr 30, 2009
Talks between Chrysler, its creditors and the U.S. Treasury hit a snag when the hedge funds that own part of the automaker's debt balked. But a Chrysler bankruptcy doesn't mean the deal with Fiat is off. Steve Henn reports.

Citi asking Treasury for bonus power

Apr 29, 2009
Citibank is asking the Treasury Department for permission to pay out retention bonuses to certain employees. The bank is worried that if it doesn't, some of its most profitable businesses could fall apart. Steve Henn reports.

Bank stress test finds large cash holes

Apr 28, 2009
According to the White House's bank stress tests, Bank of America and CitiGroup need to raise a lot more capital. But Steve Henn reports it may have been important for these banks to fail in order for us to take these tests seriously.