Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Countries screen for swine flu at arrival

Apr 27, 2009
North American passengers arriving in Asia are having their temperature taken, while the U.S. screens for signs of swine flu at the Mexican border. Steve Henn reviews how the world is moving to control the pandemic.

Sexy not a sell for Pontiac right now

Apr 27, 2009
General Motors has been relying on male fantasies about muscle cars to make Pontiac sexy, and it's worked in the past. But in this economy, people are picking practicality over sex appeal. Steve Henn reports.

Cautious China bans Mexican pork

Apr 27, 2009
As the world reacts to the potential swine flu pandemic, China is airing on the side of caution. The country's move to ban live pigs and pork from Mexico will have a tiny impact on global trade. Steve Henn reports.

Help! Billions needed for pension plans

Apr 24, 2009
Businesses and local governments are having to come up with billions of dollars in new and unanticipated pension fund contributions at the worst possible time. Steve Henn reports.

Did government block transparency?

Apr 23, 2009
In testimony released by New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, Bank of America's CEO Ken Lewis says he was pressured by the government to keep quiet about losses from absorbing troubled Merrill Lynch. Steve Henn reports.

Geithner: U.S. a big contributor to crisis

Apr 22, 2009
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner says the U.S. is largely to blame for the world's financial crisis. Steve Henn reports that the U.S. still needs the world's help to clean up the mess.

Public-private plan vulnerable to fraud

Apr 21, 2009
Watchdogs for the bank bailout program have launched 20 criminal investigations into potential fraud. The public-private toxic buy-up plan could also be prone to fraud and abuse. Steve Henn reports.

A swifter pass for health care reform

Apr 21, 2009
Lawmakers are meeting this week on health care reform, and Democrats are hoping they can pass legislation with 51 votes in the Senate. Steve Henn explains why a budget reconciliation would allow that to be possible.

Battle over greenhouse gas regulation

Apr 17, 2009
The Environmental Protection Agency has ruled that greenhouse gases pose a threat to public safety, which could lead to sweeping regulations across several industries. Business groups want Congress to legislate greenhouse gas emissions instead. Steve Henn reports.

It's time to name names in the fallout

Apr 17, 2009
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to set up a committee to find what and who is responsible for the economic fallout. Steve Henn reports Congress may have to fight hard against a financial industry unwilling to talk.