Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Treasury's spent $124 billion on . . .

Apr 15, 2009
The Federal Reserve has been buying mortgage-backed securities, driving mortgage rates to historic lows. But the U.S. Treasury has been doing the same thing, and nobody's seemed to notice. Steve Henn reports.

FDA not improving to curb bad record

Apr 10, 2009
Food safety for produce like spinach, peanuts and pistachios is ensured by the Food and Drug Administration, which doesn't have a system in place for checking offshore foods. Steve Henn reports.

A toxic assets deal for big investors

Apr 9, 2009
The Treasury Department is planning to allow people to invest in funds set up to buy toxic assets from banks. Steve Henn reports big Wall Street firms stand to make a killing if all goes well, but there are some risks involved.

Life insurance may come back to life

Apr 8, 2009
Life insurance companies are major players in the financial system, and many invested in some of the same toxic mortgage-backed assets that got the banks in trouble. But Steve Henn reports government aid will soon be on its way.

Profit loss feared on Swiss crackdown

Apr 7, 2009
The Treasury Department announced it will be working with Switzerland to loosen its bank secrecy standards and divulge info on American accounts. Steve Henn reports some analysts worry a crackdown the tax haven could hurt profits.

IBM, Sun Microsystems cold on deal

Apr 6, 2009
The potential multibillion-dollar deal between IBM and Sun Microsystems may have been put on ice because of a disagreement between the companies' board of directors. Steve Henn reports who went cold in the deal.

A grim outlook for the unemployed

Apr 3, 2009
Five million Americans have lost their jobs since the recession began. A deeper look into the details reveals how the economy has gotten worse. Steve Henn reports.

FHA 's rising defaults spell trouble

Mar 30, 2009
Defaults among loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration are up. As Steve Henn reports, if the FHA doesn't do a better job weeding out bad brokers and stopping fraud, trouble could be on the horizon.

The risky part of FHA insurance

Mar 26, 2009
The Federal Housing Administration has captured a huge chunk of the mortgage market in the last two years. Today, FHA insurance guarantees 1 in every 3 U.S. mortgages. Steve Henn reports explores the risks involved with such rapid growth.

Taxing bonuses: Is this good business?

Mar 20, 2009
Congress is moving toward legislation to tax bonuses that companies receiving federal bailouts paid to employees. Is this a good way for government to do business? Steve Henn reports.