Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Kellogg's CEO: Ramp up food regulation

Mar 19, 2009
Kellogg's CEO David Mackay is urging Congress to improve government regulation on food safety. His company lost nearly $70 million in recalled products after the salmonella outbreak in peanuts. Steve Henn reports.

Lawmakers look to reclaim AIG bonuses

Mar 17, 2009
Bonuses paid out to AIG executives have sparked outrage, and lawmakers are telling CEO Edward Liddy to fix the problem or they will do it for him. But what can the government really do? Steve Henn reports.

Can those AIG bonuses be stopped?

Mar 16, 2009
President Obama wants to stop AIG from handing out bonuses to executives who nearly drove the firm to bankruptcy. But AIG says its hands are tied because of legally-binding contracts. Steve Henn reports.

Tough times for Timothy Geithner

Mar 13, 2009
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is still waiting for many of his top staff posts to be filled, but that hasn't stopped the growing chorus of criticism. Steve Henn reports.

Life insurers need a federal lifeline

Mar 12, 2009
At least a dozen struggling life insurance institutions are following in banks' footsteps, hoping to get a bailout from the U.S. Treasury. Steve Henn reports.

Are investors going to buy bad assets?

Mar 11, 2009
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner says he hopes private investors will help the government buy troubled assets from banks. But are investors on board? Steve Henn reports.

Bernanke calls for regulatory overhaul

Mar 10, 2009
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says he wants to reform the bank regulatory system. Steve Henn reports on the ideas that Bernanke is proposing.

FDIC seeking cash for new bailout plan?

Mar 6, 2009
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is asking Congress for a $500 billion line of credit with the U.S. Treasury. This enormous new request could signal a change in strategy in the banking bailout. Steve Henn reports.

A look at a reformed health care system

Mar 5, 2009
President Obama wants to stem the skyrocketing cost of health care and fix the system. But what might a new health care system look like? Steve Henn reports.

Who gets help from the mortgage plan?

Mar 4, 2009
The Treasury Department released more details about its mortgage restructuring plan for 9 million homeowners. What does the plan include and who gets the help? Steve Henn reports.