Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

U.S. may start funds to buy bad assets

Mar 3, 2009
The government may partner with private investors to create new funds to buy up bad assets from the troubled banks. Steve Henn reports.

Why does AIG keep losing money?

Mar 2, 2009
AIG is collecting $30 billion more from the government to add to its hefty $150 billion tab. And the insurance giant reported losing nearly $62 billion in the fourth quarter. Why is it losing so much money? Steve Henn reports.

Nationalization fears are mounting

Feb 27, 2009
It was a wild week for bank stocks as rumors of nationalizations, bailouts and massive losses created a roller-coaster for investors. Steve Henn reports on what this might mean for you.

Government underestimates GDP drop

Feb 27, 2009
Gross Domestic Product shrank 6.2% in the fourth quarter of 2008, much worse than the 3.8% the Commerce Department had predicted just a month ago. How did the government get it so wrong? Steve Henn reports.

How many bank regulators is too many?

Feb 25, 2009
President Obama wants to clean up the regulation of banks. As Steve Henn reports, the president might want to start out by streamlining the entire system.

AIG may seek government help, again

Feb 24, 2009
Struggling insurance giant AIG is seeking more help from the government as it prepares to reveal a fourth-quarter loss of $60 billion. But what happened to the $150 billion in bailout money it already received? Steve Henn reports.

Is the Fed becoming a state bank?

Feb 24, 2009
As the Federal Reserve continues to make emergency loans to help troubled financial systems, some analysts are gawking at its size. Steve Henn juxtaposes the institution with an old state bank from the Soviet Union.

SAG threats to strike are losing bite

Feb 23, 2009
The Screen Actors Guild began talks over the weekend on a new labor contract for TV and movies. But some critics say the union is hobbled. Steve Henn reviews what may be hurting SAG and where there's competition.

Veterans' new war is a bad economy

Feb 20, 2009
Services for homeless veterans have improved over the last decade, but the stagnating economy and job losses have created a rise in needy vets. Steve Henn explores the issues vets may have upon return from duty.

Difficulty in diagnosing health of banks

Feb 19, 2009
When regulators take a look at the banks' books, they might be in for a surprise. The 38 banks the FDIC has taken over in the past two years have overstated their assets by more than $20 billion. Steve Henn reports.