Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Will the housing plan work?

Feb 18, 2009
President Obama's housing rescue plan allows millions of homeowners to refinance their mortgages at lower rates. Will it work? Steve Henn reports.

Geithner will try to get G7 on board

Feb 13, 2009
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is attending the G7 conference in Rome, hoping to work together with finance ministers on the faltering economy. Steve Henn explores the pros and cons of conjoining efforts with other countries.

U.S. trade deficit drops to 6-year low

Feb 11, 2009
A Commerce Department report shows that the U.S. trade deficit shrank 4% in December, falling to its lowest level in almost six years. That's good news, or is it? Steve Henn reports.

And the stability plan bill goes to...

Feb 10, 2009
The government's plan to stabilize the financial system may cost more than a trillion dollars in new spending. But there's less than $350 billion left in the original bailout. As Steve Henn reports, private investors and the Federal Reserve may be footing the bill.

Treasury program to bolster housing

Feb 9, 2009
The Treasury Department is set to unveil a multibillion-dollar program to strengthen the housing market. Steve Henn explores some of the ways the new program could work.

Obama touts stimulus plan via e-mails

Feb 3, 2009
President Obama is trying to turn his successful online political campaign into a movement. He's sent millions of e-mails to supporters, asking them to gather and talk about the economic stimulus bill in Congress. Steve Henn reports.

Saving more could be bad for economy

Feb 2, 2009
Save or spend? Americans are getting mixed messages. Savings deposits are up just as we're being encouraged to spend to jump-start the economy. But the increase in savings could have dire economic consequences. Steve Henn reports.

GDP contracted from last quarter

Jan 30, 2009
The Commerce Department released its first look at Gross Domestic Product from last quarter today, and GDP contracted at a rate of around 4 percent. Steve Henn reports it could've been worse.

Can Ford go it alone?

Jan 29, 2009
Despite a $6 billion loss last quarter and no help from federal bailout money, Ford still believes it can weather the storm on its own. Steve Henn crunches the numbers and explores whether the company can make it.

Panel: Crisis could have been averted

Jan 29, 2009
A report coming out today from the congressional panel overseeing TARP says government regulators could have stopped the financial crisis if they'd had more power. Steve Henn reports the panel is calling for more bank regulation.