Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

House expected to pass stimulus

Jan 28, 2009
Today the House is expected to pass its version of President Obama's $825 billion economic stimulus plan, while the Senate is also considering its version. Steve Henn reports on what senators are trying to include in the bill.

Could this be the year shopping died?

Jan 27, 2009
Even in a downtrodden economy, we could always count on a constant rise in consumer spending every year, if only a slight one. But retailers predict this year, Americans will actually consume less. Steve Henn reports.

Pfizer strikes deal to buy Wyeth

Jan 26, 2009
Pfizer announced a deal this morning to buy Wyeth for more than $68 billion, which it will do with the help of bailed-out banks. What does this say about the lending health of these banks? Steve Henn reports.

Reminder: We're in a tough economy

Jan 26, 2009
Top officials in the Obama administration visited talk shows over the weekend to remind us that getting over this economy won't be easy. Even with a stimulus package, it will take a while before things get better. Steve Henn reports.

Bad economy keeps lobbyists anxious

Jan 22, 2009
With so much federal money up for grabs, one might think Washington's lobbying industry would be preparing for a bonanza. But, economic woes even have people on K Street feeling anxious. Steve Henn reports.

Geithner questioned on taxes, bailouts

Jan 21, 2009
Treasury secretary nominee Timothy Geithner fielded tough questions from a Senate committee about mistakes on his tax returns and his part in crafting some of last year's biggest bailouts. Steve Henn reports.

Companies in debt struggle to borrow

Jan 20, 2009
Nearly $700 billion in corporate debt will be due in 2009, which is sending firms scrambling to refinance. But with banks struggling and investors afraid of lending, many companies will have a difficult time coming up with the cash they need. Steve Henn reports.

'Bad banks' idea gaining traction

Jan 16, 2009
Many troubled banks are weighed down with mortgage and credit-card assets they can't sell or value. One solution that some are pushing for is creating "bad banks" to buy up toxic assets. Steve Henn reports.

House Democrats unveil stimulus plan

Jan 15, 2009
House Democrats unveiled their $825 billion stimulus plan today. The package devotes billions to new spending and tax cuts, and is likely to grow. Steve Henn reports on the details.

Citi's sell-off ushers in consolidation era

Jan 14, 2009
Citigroup's deal to spin off brokerage firm Smith Barney seems to be the company's first step in selling off businesses and assets that are pulling down the financial services giant. And Citi's deconstruction could lead to more consolidation. Steven Henn reports.