Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

IndyMac backdating helped downfall

Dec 23, 2008
The FDIC takeover of failing bank IndyMac in July cost several billion dollars. But the maneuver may have been avoided if not for a cover-up that allowed the bank to continue operating while nearly out of money. Steve Henn reports.

Fed's spending is risky business

Dec 22, 2008
It's been more than a year since the Fed started auctioning emergency loans. Since then, the Fed has lent out trillions of dollars to big businesses, relaxing standards for the collateral it accepts along the way. As Steve Henn reports, the Fed has taken on unprecedented risks.

Schapiro faces huge job in reviving SEC

Dec 18, 2008
As President-elect Obama's nominee to lead the SEC, Mary Schapiro will be confronted with a slew of problems. The agency that's supposed to police Wall Street increasingly finds itself derided as Keystone Cops. Steve Henn reports.

How did SEC miss $50 billion fraud?

Dec 17, 2008
Bernard Madoff's alleged Ponzi scheme is just the latest high profile mistake made by the SEC. Chairman Christopher Cox has launched an internal probe, and there are many more investigations to come. Steve Henn reports.

Fed considers issuing debt of its own

Dec 10, 2008
Even though the Federal Reserve can print pretty much all the cash it needs, it's now considering borrowing money by selling bonds. Steve Henn reports.

Treasury may try mortgage rate cut

Dec 4, 2008
Treasury Secretary Paulson is said to be considering a plan to use Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to push down mortgage rates for new home purchases to as low as 4.5%. Marketplace's Steve Henn reports.

A Frank approach to financial regulation

Dec 4, 2008
Congressman Barney Frank will give a speech today about re-regulating the financial system, which the House Financial Services Committee will take up next month. Frank is hoping for an overhaul by summer. Steve Henn reports.

Housing slump hindering relocation

Dec 4, 2008
Finding a job in another city helps broaden horizons for many people looking for work. But people are more reluctant to relocate these days on fears that they won't be able to sell the house. Steve Henn reports.

Local leaders need money for projects

Dec 2, 2008
Local leaders are hoping President-elect Obama's financial plans include money for new construction projects. But many local governments are being forced to trim spending. Steve Henn reports.

Durable goods a stand-out drop

Nov 26, 2008
Durable goods orders fell 6.2 percent in October, a number that's been falling for three straight months. Consumer spending also experienced its biggest monthly drop in seven years. Steve Henn reports.