Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Toyota suffers credit rating drop

Nov 26, 2008
Today, Fitch ratings downgraded Toyota's credit from triple-A to double-A -- the first time the auto maker's rating has dropped in a decade. Steve Henn reports a lowered appetite for cars and a strong Yen are to blame.

Bailout could thaw consumer lending

Nov 25, 2008
This morning, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is expected to unveil his plan to use bailout money to thaw frozen consumer lending markets. Steve Henn reports they're expected to invest up to $20 billion in the program.

What has the bailout done so far?

Nov 21, 2008
Billions have been spent on the bailout already, and we've been keeping track. Steve Henn reports where the money went for our series "Tracking the Bailout."

Paulson takes heat from House Dems

Nov 18, 2008
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson got an earful from members of the House Financial Services Committee over management of the $700 billion bailout and his refusal to act on foreclosures. Steve Henn has more.

Bush making sure his new rules stick

Nov 17, 2008
President Bush is spending his final days pushing through resolutions on everything from endangered species to the Family Medical Leave Act. Steve Henn reports.

Senate considers bailout oversight

Nov 17, 2008
The Senate is meeting today on the nomination of Neil Barofsky, who would oversee $700 billion rescue package. Some feel Barofsky's presence could help remind executives where taxpayer's money should go. Steve Henn reports.

Senator unveils health-care reform

Nov 12, 2008
Democratic Sen. Max Baucus has outlined a proposal that would not only guarantee, but mandate health-care coverage for all Americans. Is there enough money to do that? Steve Henn reports.

Bailout package could soon have strings

Nov 11, 2008
The first batch of bailout money released by Congress is going fast. Soon, Treasury will have to go back for the rest. This time, though, there are likely to be strings attached. Steve Henn reports.

How Obama should address the nation

Nov 7, 2008
President-elect Barack Obama holds his first post-election news conference today. Bill Radke talks to Steve Henn, who says his first priority has to be to reassure the nation and the world on the economy.

Congressional help for automakers?

Nov 6, 2008
The auto industry wants a lot from Congress, from a cash infusion to help with the GM-Chrysler merger. Steve Chiotakis talks to Steve Henn in Washington, where auto execs are meeting with House leaders.