Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Focus falls on Obama's Treasury pick

Nov 5, 2008
President-elect Obama now turns his attention to assembling his administration, with his choice for Treasury secretary being closely watched. Bill Radke talks to Steve Henn in Washington, D.C. about Obama's options.

More and more banks want in on bailout

Nov 3, 2008
If the bailout made some banks uneasy at first, they got over it. Thousands of banks are lining up for the funds now. Steve Henn reports the idea of using the money to buy other banks is a motivator.

Treasury already working on transition

Oct 31, 2008
Offices are set aside. Phones are hooked up. The Treasury is setting up for the new administration's economic team. But whether that team has any influence before inauguration day is another story. Steve Henn reports.

Defaults threaten public transit systems

Oct 30, 2008
DC's Metro transit system could default on a complicated deal and wind up owing foreign bankers $43 million. AIG guaranteed the deal and others like it, leaving at least 31 public services facing defaults too. Steve Henn reports.

States are in dire financial straits

Oct 29, 2008
The line for federal bailout money keeps growing. Now it's state and city governments that need a hand. State budget deficits are huge coast-to-coast. Steve Henn has the story.

Anxious Americans in no mood to spend

Oct 28, 2008
Foreclosures, gas prices, Wall Street wipeouts -- the daily barrage of bad news has taken a toll on the American consumer, whose confidence in the economy has dropped to almost 50%. Steve Henn reports.

Corn falls in lock step with oil

Oct 27, 2008
The price of corn is falling with the price of oil. While this is good news for developing countries that integrate corn into their diets, U.S. consumers may not see the price drop so quickly. Steve Henn reports.

Government pension fund hard hit

Oct 24, 2008
Early last year, the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation had more than $68 billion invested -- but began to chip away at that with risky investments. Steve Henn reports Congress will be looking into it.

Obama's ready for prime time

Oct 23, 2008
Barack Obama will run half-hour prime time ads on national networks next week. The payoff: Reaching 20 million Americans right before the election. The cost: about $3 million. But, Steve Henn reports, it's not like he's short on cash.

McCain needs bang in his ad bucks

Oct 23, 2008
With less than two weeks to go until the election, it's time for the candidates to ramp up their advertising. But Senator John McCain's a little strapped for cash. Steve Henn looks into where he's focusing his ad dollars.