Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Liberals and conservatives snub bailout

Sep 29, 2008
When the day began in Washington, Treasury Secretary Paulson and Fed Chairman Bernanke were hopeful their massive financial rescue plan was on its way to becoming law. The House had other ideas. Steve Henn reports on what went wrong.

Now there are bailout plans aplenty

Sep 26, 2008
Yesterday's series of moves by Congress members to come up with a bailout plan turned into something of a rollercoaster ride. First there was a deal, then there wasn't, then... Steve Henn sorts it out for us.

Anybody notice that $610 billion bill?

Sep 24, 2008
While most of us are focused on the financial crisis, there is other business afoot in Congress -- such as a $610 billion spending package the House passed today. Steve Henn reports.

Warren Buffet buys into Goldman Sachs

Sep 24, 2008
Fed Chair Ben Bernanke has been saying that investments with value are going for fire sale prices. Well, Warren Buffet heard that and jumped in to buy $5 billion of stock in Goldman Sachs. Steve Henn reports.

Who's going to get in line for bailout?

Sep 23, 2008
What, exactly, would Treasury Secretary Paulson buy with that $700 billion? Originally, the plan was to buy bad mortgage debt from banks. But there's a push on to spread the wealth. Steve Henn reports.

Paulson to Congress: Pass bailout ASAP

Sep 23, 2008
Fed Chair Ben Bernake and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson have begun testifying before the Senate Banking Committee about the $700 billion bailout. Steve Henn reports lawmakers are circulating three versions.

Bernanke, Paulson head to Congress

Sep 23, 2008
Congress is pushing back on provisions in the Bush administration's bailout plan and will question the Fed Chairman and the Treasury Secretary at a hearing today. From Washington, Steve Henn reports.

Morgan, Goldman going commercial

Sep 22, 2008
And then there were none. The last two Wall Street investment banks standing have decided to become commercial banks, with the approval of the Federal Reserve. Steve Henn has more on what that means.

Political donations in the PAC age

Sep 19, 2008
When you make a political donation, where does the money really go? Host Tess Vigeland asks Marketplace's Steve Henn.

No state royalties in Dem offshore plan

Sep 15, 2008
Offshore drilling is likely to come to a vote in the House this week. One difference between two of the competing measures is that one gives states a share of the oil revenues; the other doesn't. Steve Henn reports.