Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Trouble with that virtual fence

Sep 10, 2008
Problems have plagued the project to install video cameras, sensors, radar and night vision equipment to create a virtual fence that would discourage Mexicans from crossing the border into the U.S. illegally. Steve Henn reports.

Jobless rate's just the start of bad news

Sep 5, 2008
Unemployment hit 6.1% last month -- the highest in nearly five years. It was the 8th-straight month of fewer jobs, with a total drop of 600,000 jobs this year. But some economists believe the real story is even uglier. Steve Henn reports.

Unemployment at 6.1% and climbing

Sep 5, 2008
Last month, the economy lost more than 84,000 jobs. And the losses are no longer just in housing-related industries, they're spreading into manufacturing, retail and business services. Steve Henn has the story.

FCC to collect less info on phone service

Sep 4, 2008
On Friday, federal regulators are expected to dial back on the amount of information collected when consumers make complaints about bad phone service. Steve Henn asks what consumer advocates think of that.

Layoffs could reach 1 million this year

Sep 3, 2008
August layoffs were down 14 percent from July, but it's not all good news on the job loss front. This was the worst summer of layoffs since 2002. Steve Henn learns that an even grimmer picture could be yet to come.

Schools struggle with lunch budgets

Sep 3, 2008
The economy is taking a bite out of school lunches. School districts are getting fewer tax dollars and want lunch programs to support themselves. Steve Henn reports on the choices they face.

Oil prices down as Gustav leaves Gulf

Sep 2, 2008
Although assessments of the derricks and refineries in the Gulf are only just beginnng, the expectation is that Hurricane Gustav left minimal damage. Oil futures dropped on the assumption. Steve Henn reports.

Detroit's slowly shifting to efficient cars

Aug 26, 2008
For all the talk about building smaller, more fuel-efficient models, Detroit's automakers are just now taking some simple steps to improve the mileage of the cars they sell. Steve Henn reports.

U.S. poverty line seen as poor indicator

Aug 25, 2008
The Census Bureau on Tuesday will release its updated figures on how many Americans are living in poverty. But there's actually a big debate about what the federal poverty line really measures. Steve Henn reports.

Just how rich are these candidates?

Aug 22, 2008
McCain has seven homes. Obama has one, but it's worth more than a million. Does that mean they're rich? Steve Henn reports on where the presidential candidates fall on a scale of American wealth.