Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Union has leverage in Boeing talks

Aug 21, 2008
Pension and health care costs are on the table as Boeing sits down with its machinists union. But costly delays in delivery of its Dreamliners are putting pressure on Boeing to avoid a strike. Steve Henn reports.

Where campaign funds can't be tapped

Aug 21, 2008
Politicians have been using campaign accounts as personal legal defense funds for years. But Steve Henn reports in Senator David Vitter's prostitution case, the Federal Election Commission is starting to draw a line.

Shareholders fear being bailout losers

Aug 20, 2008
Sales of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac plummeted today on fears that if the government steps in to save the mortgage giants, taxpayers will benefit but shareholders will be wiped out. Steve Henn reports.

Convention donors have no limits

Aug 20, 2008
Campaign finance laws may limit the donations lawmakers can accept, but companies and unions can give as much as they want for conventions. Steve Henn looks into how much sponsors can get for a million dollars.

Freddie and Fannie back in the news

Aug 18, 2008
One report says Treasury officials are worried the mortgage giants won't survive without government help. Their true value of assets on their books is questoned too. Steve Henn reports.

U.S. news misses economic story

Aug 18, 2008
A study out today from the Pew Center's Project for on Excellence in Journalism says the news isn't covering economics as much as Americans might like. Steve Henn reports it may be more complicated to do than we think.

Do CEO endorsements mean anything?

Aug 15, 2008
When high profile CEOs contribute to a political campaign, what's more valuable: the money, or the weight of their support? Steve Henn explores the question and the political influence of CEOs in this economy.

Tracking real estate numbers is tricky

Aug 14, 2008
Analysts in the housing industry rely heavily on RealtyTrac for foreclosure numbers, butthe source can't always see everything. Steve Henn reports tracking the real estate downturn is becoming more difficult.

That FDIC insurance doesn't come free

Aug 11, 2008
The FDIC's guarantee on our bank deposits is, in fact, an insurance system, not something financed with taxpayer money. In tough times, banks pay higher premiums for that insurance. Steve Henn reports.

Consumers feel Fannie Mae's pain

Aug 8, 2008
Fannie Mae announced a $2.3 billion loss for the quarter that ended in June, which makes some wonder what's next for the housing market and the American economy. Steve Henn reports.