Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

How likely is a Fannie/Freddie bailout?

Aug 8, 2008
With losses continuing to mount at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the big question is whether we're headed toward a government bailout. Steve Henn reports it's looking likely the government will come to the rescue.

Americans want health care to improve

Aug 7, 2008
A survey found that 80 percent of Americans believe the current health care system needs an overhaul -- from lower costs to better doctor communication and availability. Steve Henn reports.

Candidates shift positions on energy

Aug 5, 2008
John McCain and Barack Obama have spent the past week talking up their energy plans. But the toll on Americans' pocketbooks from the high costs of fuel have forced both candidates to change their stances on a number of policies. Steve Henn reports.

Business leery of employee-rights bill

Aug 1, 2008
At a time when companies are struggling with high fuel costs and a slow economy, they're now also worried that pending legislation and other forces may be helping labor get organized. Steve Henn reports.

Bill proposes FDA oversight of tobacco

Jul 31, 2008
A bill that would give the FDA power to regulate tobacco products cleared the House and will be taken up by the Senate in the fall. What would the measure mean for the tobacco industry? Steve Henn reports.

More TV viewers tuning in online

Jul 30, 2008
Twenty percent of TV viewers are tuning in exclusively on their computers, leaving networks and advertisers scrambling to find a way to capture the evolving market. Steve Henn reports.

Stevens indicted for false statements

Jul 29, 2008
Alaska's Senator Ted Stevens is accused of seven counts of making false statements on financial disclosure forms related to his close ties with an energy company. Steve Henn reports.

Kraft keeps cooking in hard times

Jul 28, 2008
As the economy drives consumers to eat more meals at home, food giant Kraft is in a position to profit. Even with higher costs, it's second-quarter results showed its bottom line got fatter. Steve Henn reports.

Shark fin soup flips population

Jul 25, 2008
Yesterday, the federal government tightened regulations meant to discourage killing of sharks in the Gulf and Atlantic just for their fins. Steve Henn reports shark fin soup is one big culprit for hunting of the species.

Water infrastructure is big business

Jul 23, 2008
American cities will need to invest more than $250 billion to update their water systems in the next 20 years. Steve Henn reports private equity investors and major corporations have notice of the water business.