Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

PACs put the fun in fundraising

Jul 22, 2008
Think all political contributions go toward campaigns? Maybe if those campaigns include golf trips and nights at the burlesque house. In the last installment of his PAC Men series, Steve Henn reports.

Lawmakers PAC in for retirement

Jul 22, 2008
It's no surprise lawmakers have campaign funds to help them get re-elected, but they also have a second pool of donations they can use however they want, even after they retire. Steve Henn continues our PAC Men series.

Congress may increase Medicaid funds

Jul 22, 2008
Cash-strapped states are trimming back their health care benefits, which often hits the poor and poor children the hardest. So Congress is considering boosting federal funding for state Medicaid expenses. Steve Henn reports.

Oh, waiter! Charge it to my PAC

Jul 21, 2008
Lawmakers are still dining out and jetting off on trips they don't pay for themselves --and taking friends and lobbyists with them. They get the money by setting up something called a "leadership political action committee." Steve Henn reports.

Investing in a politician's future

Jul 21, 2008
For politicians, PACs are more than a source of money; they're a way to gain political clout. As a part of our continuing series on PACs, Steve Henn reports.

Barbie strikes back at Bratz in court

Jul 18, 2008
Bratz dolls have been tugging at the market share of Mattel's Barbie for years, but a court ruling could earn Mattel royalties on the Bratz line or even total control of the brand. Steve Henn reports.

The best kind of bad news

Jul 17, 2008
JPMorgan and its peers had lousy quarters, but bank stocks are on the rise today. Why? Because things weren't quite as bad as everybody guessed they'd be. Steve Henn explains.

Leadership PACs key to political funding

Jul 16, 2008
Most political candidates now fund their campaigns through what are called "leadership political action committees." In the first part of a special series, Steve Henn explains how those PACs work in the presidential election.

Prices surge up in June

Jul 16, 2008
The Consumer Price Index jumped up 1.1 percent in June, the biggest one month increase in 26 years. Steve Henn reports.

Sagging dollar boosts oil prices

Jul 15, 2008
Economic fears have driven the dollar to a new low against the euro and a weak dollar makes everything we buy from overseas more expensive, including oil. Steve Henn reports.