Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

SEC tries to silence rumors

Jul 14, 2008
Much of the chaos on the markets recently has been attributed to Wall Street whispers. Now, the SEC has a plan to clear the air. Steve Henn reports.

Special interests step up in ad season

Jul 7, 2008
As political ad season approaches, special interest groups are stepping up their spending. Steve Henn reports moves by the Supreme Court indicate the limits on special interest spending may be more flexible.

Best cure for a financial hangover?

Jun 27, 2008
Wall Street got you feeling not so well this morning? Steve Henn hit the streets to hear favored cures for a hangover -- but points out it may not be enough to get us out of a rough economy in the next year.

Push for housing bill takes a holiday

Jun 26, 2008
Senate leaders wanted to pass a housing bill before the July 4 weekend that would help 400,000 Americans. But the legislation has been slowed by debate over tax breaks for renewable energy. Steve Henn reports.

Illinois, Countrywide in lawsuit

Jun 25, 2008
The state of Illinois is suing Countrywide for unfair and deceptive business practices, claiming the lender designed mortgage products with Wall Street in mind. Steve Henn reports other accusations against the company.

Too racy for JC Penney?

Jun 24, 2008
JC Penney is upset about a viral Web video with an ad showing two teenagers speed dressing. The ad, which wasn't made by the company, seems to encourage teenage sex. But Steve Henn reports the ad might be a good thing.

Warning: You are watching a lot of ads

Jun 23, 2008
The FCC is looking closer at TV advertising and will consider whether more disclosure is necessary. Steve Henn repors on how many ads U.S. TV viewers are being subjected to, and how the FCC could help get a clear message across.

Hog farmers getting hit from all sides

Jun 20, 2008
More than 7,000 hog farmers are at risk of going out of business due to floods skyrocketing prices for fuel and feed. Steve Henn reports.

Obama says no to public financing

Jun 19, 2008
Senator Barack Obama has opted against receiving federal public financing for the general election, allowing him the freedom to spend whatever he can raise and prompting some controversy. Steve Henn reports.

Air Force not tied to Airbus yet

Jun 19, 2008
The Government Accountability Office has urged the Air Force to do a deal with Airbus to build the next generation of airborne fuel tankers. But there's still room for Boeing to compete in Congress. Steve Henn reports.