Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

New FEC commissioners wanted

Jun 17, 2008
With just two sitting commissioners on the FEC, decisions can't be reached on campaign finance laws. So the Senate is working towards approving new ones. Steve Henn reports the new group will have a lot of work ahead.

Making or breaking the AMT

Jun 16, 2008
The Senate may vote to fix the Alternative Minimum Tax and extend tax breaks to companies. But the House is threatening to kill it if those breaks aren't paid for with tax cuts or increases somewhere else. Steve Henn reports.

Factoring counseling into war total

Jun 12, 2008
Congress is trying to gauge the future financial fallout of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, which includes counseling for soldiers with post-traumatic stress or depression. Steve Henn crunches some numbers.

Campaigns focus on the economy

Jun 9, 2008
Both the Obama and McCain campaigns have started stumping on economic issues. Steve Henn reports on the dollars and cents in the nominees' recent speeches.

Federal highway funds in trouble

Jun 5, 2008
Despite continuing infrastructure problems, the government is having trouble funding highway repairs. Steve Henn explains how the rise in gas prices is directly affecting highway improvement projects.

Obama will need funds in election

Jun 3, 2008
The presidential primary season wraps up today, and the candidates have raised almost a billion dollars combined. But Steve Henn reports why Obama will be behind in the money race if he heads towards the general election.

Commodity prices are whey out there

May 28, 2008
Rising commodity prices are providing endless opportunities for speculators, but as Steve Henn reports, some investors are losing the stomach for one volatile nursery rhyme commodity.

Foreclosures hurt the neighborhood

May 22, 2008
Aside from borrowers and lenders, neighborhoods are also feeling the subprime burn. Steve Henn reports Congress is considering a new bill to let local governments buy abandoned sites to save neighborhood property values.

House tables war spending bill

May 8, 2008
The house put on hold a $195 billion bill to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan after some lawmakers questioned the way the money would be spent. Steve Henn reports on reactions to the move.

Myanmar cyclone adds to rice woes

May 6, 2008
In addition to the human cost of the cyclone that has ravaged Myanmar, damage from the storm will continue sending ripples through rice markets across the world for some time to come. Steve Henn reports.