Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Contractor fraud alleged in Iraq

Apr 28, 2008
A Congressional committee hears testimony today from whistle-blowers alleging double billing by a defense contractor. A Senator says waste fraud is rampant in Iraq. Steve Henn previews the hearing.

Congress takes up student loans

Apr 17, 2008
The House was expected to pass legislation today aimed at stabilizing and expanding the federally guaranteed student loan market. Steve Henn reports.

Microsoft goes after Yahoo

Feb 1, 2008
Microsoft has made a $44 billion takeover bid for Yahoo. The merger would offer Yahoo the chance to compete with a certain search engine that seems to be dominating online advertising. Steve Henn has the story.

When bond insurers lose credit

Jan 31, 2008
Bond insurer MBIA's fourth-quarter report shows a loss of over $2 billion. Steve Henn looks into why a triple-A credit rating is important for bond insurance, and how the loss of such a rating could affect you.

The effects of a Fed cut take time

Jan 30, 2008
Whether or not the Federal Reserve announces another interest rate cut today, the effects of a cut wouldn't be seen for awhile. Steve Henn reports we haven't even begun to see the effects of past rate actions yet.

Senate to propose stimulus add-ons

Jan 29, 2008
President Bush's economic stimulus plan heads to the Senate tomorrow, and senators are already working to expand the bill. Steve Henn reports add-ons like road resurfacing projects and unemployment benefits will be in debate.

Bush plans to eliminate earmarks

Jan 29, 2008
In his last State of the Union address, President Bush said he wanted to wean Washington, D.C. off of earmarks, or pet spending projects. But Steve Henn reports some analysts are skeptical.

What to do about the economy?

Jan 28, 2008
What do Americans want to hear from tonight's State of the Union address? Steve Henn surveyed commuters near the White House this morning and asked their views on the economy and President Bush's stimulus package.

TV is soon to face reality

Dec 10, 2007
As the Writer's Guild strike passes into week six, TV networks and studios come closer to running out of original material. Steve Henn reports we might all soon be facing a lot more reality programming.

The invisible man

Nov 9, 2007
Is there any way to keep marketers from tracking you down? Steve Henn sees what it takes to make his family invisible to Madison Avenue.