Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

A well-traveled breakfast

Nov 7, 2007
Steve Henn figures his typical family breakfast journeyed 6,000 miles to his kitchen table. It's a symptom of the ever-growing global food trade, and the fossil fuel cost required to move commodities across the planet is growing with it.

Sucking the air from the whistle

Nov 2, 2007
The House is considering leaving protections for whistle-blowers out of a bill to further empower the Consumer Products Safety Commission. Steve Henn reports this comes while two commissioners face scandal.

Job-growth numbers not growing

Nov 2, 2007
The Bureau of Labor releases September unemployment rates today, while the numbers have been stagnant Steve Henn looks into job growth over the last 10 years, and why job-seeker outlook as been so grim.

CO2 tax or cap-and-trade system?

Nov 1, 2007
Washington is debating today whether to get companies to cut back on CO2 emissions through taxes or the cap-and-trade system. Steve Henn looks at both sides of the issue.

Do-not-track list proposed for Web

Oct 31, 2007
A coalition of consumer privacy groups is pushing for the creation of a national do-not-track list that would allow Web surfers to stop Internet companies from recording their personal behavior online. Steve Henn reports.

And don't follow me online, either

Oct 31, 2007
Most methods to preserve online privacy have had little impact. But with the success of the "Do Not Call" list, privacy advocates are vying for a similar pproach. Steve Henn reports.

Cost of U.S. spying efforts released

Oct 30, 2007
For the first time in almost a decade the federal government has pulled back the curtain on the American intelligence budget. In 2007 the country will spend $43.5 billion to spy on its enemies -- plus another $10 billion for the Pentagon that's still classified. Steve Henn reports.

No more for product safety, please

Oct 30, 2007
Congress is considering a bill that would give the Consumer Product Safety Commission more money, staff and power. But the head of the agency says she doesn't want the bill to pass. Steve Henn reports.

O'Neal may be out on subprime results

Oct 29, 2007
Merrill Lynch CEO Stan O'Neal reportedly will be leaving the investment house following its announcement last week of $8 billion in subprime write-downs. Steve Henn reports O'Neal would be the highest profile casualty of the subprime mortgage debacle.

Big payday for exiting Merrill Lynch CEO

Oct 29, 2007
Merrill Lynch CEO Stan O'Neal faces a probable resignation this morning after the company's biggest quarterly profit lose in its 93-year history. But Steve Henn reports he's not going to walk away empty-handed.