Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Americans skeptical about free trade

Oct 12, 2007
President Bush wants Congress to support trade agreements in countries like Colombia and South Korea. But some Americans are wary of free trade. Steve Henn explores what's causing the lack of enthusiasm.

John Sununu funds breakdown

Oct 11, 2007
A breakdown of contributions received by Senator John Sununu of New Hampshire in 2002.

Bill Allen: A tale of tainted funds

Oct 11, 2007
Marketplace's Steve Henn continues his report on Alaskan oilman Bill Allen's illegal contributions to various political campaigns and state legislators.

Feds plan help for subprime homebuyers

Oct 10, 2007
The federal government is going to team with credit counselors and the mortgage industry to see what can be done to help borrowers avoid foreclosure. It's not all altruism. Steve Henn reports.

Washington won't return dirty money

Oct 10, 2007
Before pleading guilty to bribing state legislators, Alaskan oil tycoon Bill Allen very actively spread his wealth around Congress. So far, a lot of his government beneficiaries haven't given the money back. Steve Henn reports.

Private-equity firms will avoid tax hike

Oct 9, 2007
Speculation in Washington is that a proposed tax increase for private equity partners won't make it through Congress this year. Steve Henn reports.

Uncle Sam really wants to hire you

Oct 5, 2007
It may seem like job cuts are everywhere, but there's one employer whose staff is healthy and growing. Steve Henn delves into the pros and cons of working for the government.

Flush campaigns can't flush away funds

Sep 28, 2007
Presidential candidates are counting up their cash as the quarter closes. Steve Henn reports that the problem isn't how much money campaigns have -- it's how fast they're not spending it.

A click away from world domination?

Sep 27, 2007
Privacy advocates are seeing red flags around the proposed Google-DoubleClick merger. It would have more personal information than any company in the world -- not to mention it's an advertiser. Steve Henn reports.

Asking for more funds to continue fight

Sep 25, 2007
Defense Secretary Robert Gates heads up to Capitol Hill tomorrow with a $200 billion wish list in his pocket for continued military efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Steve Henn has the details.