Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

FDA bill stops short of drug-ad bans

Sep 21, 2007
The Senate has passed a bill that gives the Food and Drug Administration new powers to monitor drugs after they hit the market. But some consumer advocates had hoped the bill would go further at reining in drug ads. Steve Henn explains.

Congress can't deny drug ads' pull

Sep 21, 2007
The Senate passed a bill last night ensuring new funding and ad-monitoring powers for the Food and Drug Administration. But media companies made sure Congress was careful about the language used in the bill. Steve Henn reports.

More to help the housing market

Sep 20, 2007
Fed chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson are going to Congress today to discuss fixing the mortgage market. Steve Henn reports.

Many consumers expect recession

Sep 19, 2007
A poll out today from Reuters shows one-third of Americans believe we're heading for a recession. But who's to blame? Steve Henn did his own poll this morning in D.C.

Mukasey, a subprime-lender defender

Sep 18, 2007
Michael Mukasey, the president's nominee for attorney general, has been in a private law practice the last year where he helped pick up new clients needing white-collar criminal defense -- such as subprime lenders who might have run afoul of the law. Steve Henn reports.

3 million bad letters on the way

Sep 18, 2007
In the last year, the number of warning letters sent to troubled mortgage-holders increased 115 percent. Steve Henn reports this may just be the beginning.

Wanted: Pentagon bookkeepers

Sep 18, 2007
With this week's defense authorization bill in the Senate comes the possibility of another half a trillion dollars for non-war Pentagon spending. But Steve Henn reports they're already having trouble keeping track of the books.

Iraq tosses Blackwater out of the war

Sep 17, 2007
The Iraqi government has revoked the business license of private security firm Blackwater USA, whose employees allegedly killed at least nine Iraqi civilians in a firefight. Steve Henn reports the company has played an important but controversial role in the war.

Soda companies still sweet on schools

Sep 17, 2007
A report out today shows that soda sales in U.S. public schools are falling. But as Steve Henn reports, a majority of the beverages being sold are still full of sugar.

Luxury retail's not hurting

Sep 14, 2007
While much of the retail economy is feeling the pinch of subprime, luxury spending seems only to be growing. But Steve Henn reports the high-end market could be skewing retail numbers across the board.